Friday, November 26, 2010

Hiv Test Negative 6 Weeks

Students in revolt. Sledge's vote DDLGelmini

Students, researchers, teachers in revolt against the DDL Gelmini. Pacifici, innovative, clear, certain. We know we had. Emilio Fede as say in its news program, now a newsletter system where the reality is cormai an annoying problem.
already in the field with initiatives from September, strikes and proposals, the University increased efforts to secure the approval of the bill Gelmini originally scheduled today in the House, and now shifted to Tuesday, November 30 while the Government is in disarray sulel its own proposals.
The attack on the university system and government research had never attained such a high level in the context of a deeply unstable country from a political point of view. Italy is among the countries in Europe has invested less in education and research in recent decades. The reform of the Gelmini stabilizes the cuts (more than 1 billion €) and gives no perspective to researchers and students.

DDL Gelmini, what's wrong
  • Ri for but at no cost : the government has taken from the university 1 billion and 200 million euro, which should add 200 million more cuts to research, and gave back a portion, just enough to ensure compulsory expenditure of the universities, partly to reduce the shameful attempt to abolish the right to study;
  • exponential increase in bureaucracy: 170 rules that will become 500 with the delegations. The universities will be trapped in a rigid framework of the Ministerial which very little remains to be evaluated, you will only get a uniform bureaucratic or circumvention legislation. For example, if the universities can not do the personnel policy, which affects almost the performance of research;
  • No new space for researchers indefinitely (those pre-reform) in the following places to become professors, they recognize that without the activities carried out lectures to date, precluding so any hope of a career.
  • lock turnover already put in place before (the Finance Act 2009) and lockout seniority with consequent aging of the teaching staff
  • Cancellation of right to education;
  • uncertainties about the governance of Universities, in particular the CDA. The presence of external members on the boards, it all depends on who appoints them, but they say even in a very prescriptive text. If the appointment is internal it is a tool already in place and has only served to strengthen the power of the rector. If, however, the appointment is outside the danger of falling into the hands of a logic best companies is remarkable.
Our proposals
  • Use the Law of stability to fully restore the cuts university and research and to provide open spaces in the selection, based on the merits of a new generation of academics, giving opportunities based on merit, the researchers designed and insecure.
  • At least 50% of resources allocated to universities with the evaluation of research and teaching, based on student choices and knowledge acquired over the
  • retirement at age 65 teachers. The aim is to introduce a shock generation in Italian universities: ten years we want to lower the average age of teachers. They need to know that you can go in a chair in less than 35 years, when you are able to give their best studies,
  • Simplification of rules and freedom organization for universities;
  • Transparent criteria for programming and planning agreements between the Ministry and universities
  • Contract single ricercator in training, social protection and social security. And stop all the casual relationships and a unique role in teaching the tier.
  • Right to Education guaranteed for all.

Nursing Men Like Babies

The protest in Milan

Last night I was on the roof of the Faculty of Physics, University of Milan - Pier Maran said, the municipal council of Milan - with militants of the Democratic Party , to express solidarity with the students and researchers who are protesting against the DDL Gelmini.
This protest, which is growing all over Italy, in a decisive respect our city, home to some of the most important universities of the country. Only the University of Milan over 56 thousand students are enrolled at the Polytechnic 35 thousand.
late on the spot several researchers have found. In their perceived Read more>> the determination to defend both their jobs, among other things, most of them is the father of the family, is the quality of education university, the opportunity to teach and do research in the best possible way.
The reform in question should instead cut drastically and indiscriminate away prospects to universities, which prevents certainty, investment, peace and, ultimately, quality education for our students.
How the Democratic Party in the classrooms of Parliament, on the roofs of universities in the demonstration in Rome on 11 December defend the future of this country and defend even one of the most important city of Milan.
We must not forget that one of the principal determinants of situations of the universities is now Mayor of Milan, Letizia Moratti.
Since she did not expect, of course, no useful word in support of the University of Milan, but his inability to be reported as Minister and his silence on the mayor, in fact do not accept calls that have come in these days of and staff of Polytechnic University.
Once again, faced with the difficulties of a major social infrastructure, places of study and work in the city, the mayor is absent shows.

Houses For Beach Week 2010


Melazzini Here's what Mario would say. And he can not say why the "democratic" Fazio and Saviano are afraid of ideas and discussion.

"The disease can not discriminate against anyone. The dignity of life is the basis of equality "

Law freedom to live or die? Euthanasia or aggressive treatment? Self-determination or clinical report? The comparison of serious and constructive dialogue with all actors in the debate moves from one precondition: the words meant, baste a shared vocabulary. You have a nice talk about the rights of the individual. Actually, this individualism, the official ideology of post-Enlightenment civilizations, is an individualism of the role and not the person. As in the transmission Come away with me an example ecclatante! It is appropriate that I draw up a "list" of priority: The recognition of the dignity of life of every human being must be the starting point of reference for a society that defends the value of equality and is committed to the illness and disabilities are not criteria for exclusion.

The dignity of life, all life, is an ontological character of human beings and not dependent on the quality of life, or having lived only as a utilitarian concept. Unacceptable endorse the idea that some disabling conditions render worthless life and transform the patient into a social burden. This is an insult to everyone, but especially for those who live with these conditions. This idea increases the loneliness of people with disabilities and their families, introduced in the fragile doubt they can be victims of a planned disinterest on the part of society, and encourages decisions rinunciatarie.Avere sure that everyone will receive treatment, care and adequate support. It must ensure the patient and his family every possible proportionate and appropriate form of treatment, care and sostegno.Promuovere, protect and secure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities and promote respect for their inherent dignity: the inclusion work, independent living, school integration accessible tourism, with a concrete guarantee of continuity of answers for the person with a disability and to his sick body famiglia.Un , disabled, in any case can not become a factor of isolation, exclusion and marginalization from the world.

Making concrete investments in the economic sphere and to promote the cultural idea of \u200b\u200bcitizenship extended to include all, as per constitutional provisions, and to reaffirm the unique value of every human being, even those who are considered "useless "as judged incapable of giving a direct contribution to life in the country sociale.Rinsaldare sure that everyone will receive treatment, care and adequate support. Before thinking about the suspension of treatments is necessary to ensure the sick, the disabled person and his family every possible form of adequate and proportionate treatment, care and sostegno.Approvare urgently essential levels of care "frozen" for years now, effective welfare policies. Protection of life. Today, a certain school of thought believes that life under certain conditions is transformed into a fury and an unnecessary ordeal, forgetting that effective care and the continuous development of technology also enable those affected by debilitating diseases highly to continue to look at life as a gift full of opportunities and unexplored paths before malattia.Confrontandoci peacefully with the disease, with the fragility, we can all understand something about our common human condition. Let's try.


national president Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Aisle

TODAY Mario Melazzini



Thursday, November 25, 2010

Maxi Maunds ımages


The Board Rai:
families and patients have a right to speak

The Board of RAI approved an agenda signed by the director Rodolfo De Laurentiis and supported by the majority, to replicate the last episode of "Come away with me," the program Fabio Fazio and Roberto Saviano, the associations fighting for the right to life than has been claimed in the transmission cases Englaro and Welby. A

odg past, with some modifications, and - according to sources of advice - has caused a split opposition. In protest, in fact the directors Giorgio Van Straten and Nino Rizzo Nervo have left the session without a vote.

Before the meeting in Viale Mazzini, Rodolfo De Laurentiis, director of minority Rai and author of the agenda in the past, today the Board, asked the Council to approve it. To advocate dell'odg also the president of RAI Paul Garimberti. De Laurentiis had also appealed to the general manager and director Paolo Ruffini Raitre were to "find ways to enable the associations that fight for life the right of reply in the program Fabio Fazio and Roberto Saviano." For De Laurentiis "as the minister Maroni has sought and received to reply to Saviano in the last episode, I ask to be given a voice to the pro-life groups on the issue of euthanasia."


Mario Melazzini ,


UCSC - Milan
Largo Gemelli 1

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



The satirical weekly "Heart" was once under the heading "be ashamed for them," submitted as a "service utilities for those who can not be ashamed of himself. "
Perhaps today we should remember that his phonebook Michele Serra, the founder of "Heart." Asking if you do not think I deserve that after the course was published yesterday on the Republic.
I think that human beings, albeit separated by occasional differences of opinion, can and should meet the universal compassion for the pain that marks our tragic human condition. I think Serra should seriously consider.
Unfortunately yesterday, he is one of the authors of "Come away with me," he wound up with a finger raised to the request of many people with severe illness, they strive to live and to live in better conditions, to be able to tell in that program as well as, in the same program, was told the story of Welby and Englaro.
For a week these patients are asking every day from the first page of "Future", complain that they feel lonely, silent, and that they want to live. But apparently Serra, Saviano, Fazio and his companions, have decreed that they have no right to speak in "their" television.
Certainly compassion for the suffering of other human beings, visited by terrible diseases, there is a duty of law. But when it comes to public television is also a collective problem.
Italics Serra seemed to me very unhappy when some ill defined as those who "want to stay alive indefinitely." With a streak of (hopefully unintentional) irony.
Serra arrived to claim that those who assist them have an "objective advantage" (sic), which would be to "operate without hindrance and without any legal ethical hostility."
I hope that those who write such things should never experience directly on their skin or that of his loved ones, this wonderful "advantage" referred fabled.
hope you do not know inhuman torment never see a young son in a coma and did not know if you wake up and under what conditions.
If Serra would step outside his living room ideological petty bourgeois, where the words are as hot as my ass to him, and if he was going to listen to those who live in hospitals that fierce pain, we learn that the tragedy - even unbearable - our children crucifixes (SLA or coma or other horrors) have to add every family the humiliation and suffering of being almost alone, lost in hell, without help, without means, without support (so often that anyone - mom or dad - is even forced to leave work).
And it is a mockery to say that they have no legal or ethical barriers.
On his comfortable hammock, Serra seems to disregard the cry for help that goes by many families who literally passed out and come apart in order to help their children plunged into darkness.
They have no right to tell their brave struggle for life to "Come away with me." Indeed.
Serra goes so far as to define the Catholics, who want their voice to be silenced patients and their families, as "strong" that sought to coerce the weak, because they allow "freedom of protest from a recognized" for ask to speak to everyone.
But what does it mean? Serra wrote: "from a freedom." But how high and what freedom is shed words? And 'he, Serra, who pontificates "top" of his freedom of opinion, healthy (good for him) and television writer.
Our children live in the abyss instead of the disease. Where not even have the freedom to move a hand or saying a word or eating.
Serra adds another expression: "from a freedom recognized." What "freedom accorded" would have crucified a boy and his parents? Perhaps alludes to the freedom to live? We
perhaps consider a gracious concession of the state or lorsignori thinkers that a sick daughter alive?
I do not think. This freedom is not a concession of any state.
The problem is rather that freedom represented by the large number of these patients do not have. Practically have no freedom, and - now - is also denied them the freedom to shout at their television appeal for help.
is not serious or just change the cards on the table. These patients, along with Catholics - to say Serra - protest "from a freedom accorded the same freedom against those who did not. Strong protest weak: it is not very athletic. "
E 'a reversal of the outrageous truth. Because none of the patients who every day put on the front page Avvenire protested "against" or Englaro Welby.
None of them claimed to be told to stop again on tv or the history of Welby Englaro. Simply ask to tell them well.
The "strong" if anything is Serra, and Fazio Saviano that TV and newspapers - to them - they do not theorize that have the right to speak in their program (obviously giving for granted that Rai is their thing and not a public television, paid all the money).
This logic of the strong against the weak bend just in front of other strong, as the Interior Minister who managed to get a reply, because it is a powerful minister. But nothing seems to be due to the weak.
Instead, all we have - or should have - the duty of compassion. And solidarity. Words that may not have (more) citizenship on the left.

Antonio Socci
"free" 24 November 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

How To Not Act Awkward Around The Guy You Like


In a statement on 28 September Amnesty International has called for the liberalization of abortion in Chile, Nicaragua and El Salvador. If the Association shall be taken against Nicaragua in particular arguing that the country would "go back" because it has limited abortion in all circumstances. In the largest country in Central America, Amnesty along with other pro-abortion groups collected 37,000 signatures to ask for permission to free abortion. Furthermore, in a statement, Amnesty praises the dictatorial government of Cuba, because it has liberalized abortion several decades ago. E 'at least strange that the same organization do not say anything about the fact that Cuba applies the death penalty, applied against opponents of the regime. In this regard, it is tragic to note how the regime Cuban, praised by Amnesty, is those who defend life. Oscar Elias Biscet, a Cuban Catholic doctor, who has fought against abortion, euthanasia and the shootings, has been unjustly sentenced in 2003 to 25 years in prison.
say is absolutely disgraceful, and we wonder how it is possible that an organization that claims to be for "human rights" can instead just relentlessly against the weakest and most defenseless, the children conceived. We simply repeat the clear words of John Paul II in this respect: "no peace movement is worthy of the name, if not condemned and opposed with equal force to the battle against unborn life" and we hope that the many ignorant supporters of Amnesty, perhaps rather sensitive to the defense of the right to life of every man, may reconsider their support for this organization.

Alberto Tibaudi
Dellagiulia Piergiorgio
life movement in the province of Cuneo

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What Happenned To Cytheria


Dear Roberto,

come away with me and sad to leave the fry in their hatred. This is A call for full consideration: come to visit my daughter Catherine.

will welcome you with open arms and maybe they'll pull out if the idea for an article, you can donate a bit 'rights to thousands of lepers children that I am helping my friends through the missionaries who care for them in their leprosy ( in a third world country).

come without cameras, but with the heart and head with which you wrote "Gomorrah", leaving behind the stench dell'odiologia communist (which you do not belong) that you breathe in certain TV programs.

You wrote to me - do you remember? - When I defended you on these columns for your beautiful book.

Now I, weak, strong and powerful I am writing to you, I struggle with the father in helpless horror (and on the run from the tv) I write to you, acclaimed television star, I always counter-Christian, I write to you that esteem: come watch my daughter in the eyes twenty-five who is bravely fighting a terrible enemy, perhaps more of those four squalid boor who are the Camorra.

She does not give to horror, as we do not give up the Camorra. Visit his heroism and that of many others like her, which - as Mario Melazzini, representative of many patients with ALS - are silenced by the regime's media 'politically correct' in which you, unfortunately, have agreed to become a star.

Come. You'll see the eyes of Catherine, quite different from those arrogant and full of contempt for mezzecalzette or the trombones that flirt in journalistic and intellectual salons.

Maybe you can even see the happiness in tears and maybe you will avoid straparlare euthanasia, illness or the end of life (as you did last Monday) by requiring only your thoughts, because the sick, the disabled that are crying be aided and abetted in the radical-chic to your living room and Michele Serra, had no right to speak.

How can we not have it - in this dictatorship of the single thought - the unborn or the Christians slaughtered by each party and despised or condemned to death for their faith: the case of the young Bibi Asia.

See, I do not care about your dispute with the Minister Maroni: you have two powerful tools at your disposal to beat you. No need to osannino pulleys that one or the other.

I care for the weak, the sick, the lowly, the poor are ignored, silenced and humiliated on television. To begin the program by Michele Serra recited where you and Fazio. Where is cut in slices contempt for the Church.

For the Church, you you know - dear Roberto - he fought against the Camorra and the Mafia long before you and with the poor and helpless people who have also put the skin.

The Church knows that the suffering and miserable, and he loves them almost alone helps all the desperate land, a little 'more than Michele Serra that I heard of journalism only in salons, not in leper colonies in the Third World or in the slums of Calcutta (Fabio Fazio even worth dealing with).

It 's a shame that you put your face to be a symbol of an intellectual establishment that has never read your and my Shalamov and has never fought the horror that he denounced and red against whom died.

That would ensure that anti-conformism: to go on TV to talk about Auschwitz, Kolyma, who is with the abyss of the twentieth century, but - unlike Auschwitz - has never been reported in our culture and our television!

We saw your program in the spectrum of (post) communism that legitimized the spectrum of (post) fascism. Giving us to drink that they have "values." Indeed, only them. Given that only they were deemed worthy of proclamation.

Scrap dell'odiologia of the twentieth century that has plagued humanity and Italy in particular is really what today's headlines for sdottoreggiare values?

I can hear my father miner Catholic - who struggled in life against communism and against fascism - which, when he was still with us, rebel against this TV and shouted: "Go to hell."

People like him - who have guaranteed us all the freedom and prosperity we enjoy - do not call them to proclaim their values.

Why are ordinary people like him to understand the greatness of De Gasperi and to help him, retracing Italy. Instead the Italian intellectuals of the twentieth century have gone behind the pipers of Mussolini and Togliatti (and Stalin).

And after this tragic blunder of the intellectual establishment today still claims to show the way, gigioneggiando on TV and newspapers.

They are trying to make a revolution (ethics course) with such contract or invoice (payment for professional services are sacrosanct, of course).

are the rules and pretend to pretend to be heresy, embody the heaviness of conformity and pretend to be dissidents, throwing the rules for others and do not care of what should observe them, preach tolerance and do not tolerate some cultural and human diversity.

What's more proclaim antiberlusconismo the ethical and anthropological and with the other hand (many of them) sign contracts with companies such as Berlusconi's Mondadori, Mediaset and Endemol (of or participated in by Berlusconi).

Just think 'Roberto, I Rizzoli and the public work for RAI. I assure you that you can live in dignity without working with companies that go the Berlusconi group, given that (in words) is so disgusted by this intelligentsia.

Robert Caro, the other night my daughter Catherine was listening to a CD with polyphonic songs that she knows (because I sang too). He was very focused and listen to one sixteenth laude four voices called: "Christ the tendea die."

In it Mary speaks of Jesus to his friends, the apostles. And when his poignant words - sung beautifully - have whispered "svenerassi for you" (svenerà it for you), Catherine - who can not speak - she burst into tears. This

mourning for Jesus - that living in today is often despised as the living rooms of two thousand years ago - has changed the world and save humanity.

It 's the same emotion of Asia Bibi, a young mother sentenced to death because - who wanted to convert Islam - said: "Jesus died for me, save me. Muhammad what he did for you? ".

Here, dear Roberto, this emotion for a God who loves so is Christianity.

And you've known men and the friendship of Jesus, to love human beings like himself, have bet their lives, have given themselves. When you have seen those faces as you can bear to live in a world of masks and play in their theaters?

love from

Antonio Socci

"free" 19 November 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Good Drinking Initiation Ideas

Melazzini UP "COME AWAY WITH ME" Project Gemma

Melazzini "Saviano Fazio and listen

even those who want to live"


President Mario dell'Aisla Melazzini: "This company right-thinking people believe that disability can not be reconciled with a life worth living. If you will give voice to only a portion will be unfair and undemocratic "

of lg
" There are thousands of people living in conditions similar to those of Englaro and Welby and cry of be supported and helped. But are not heard. If really Come away with me , and the conditional is a must, was only given a voice to the decision of the Supreme Court, would be unfair and undemocratic. " Mario Melazzini, President dell'Aisla (Italian Association of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and ALS patient, has worked for years to travel to Italy and give voice to patients who want to live and be helped by the State, commented on Times the possibility that, as announced during the broadcast run by Roberto Saviano and Fabio Fazio, is read a list on the principles of law recognized by the Supreme Court in 2008 ruled that the feeding and hydration of Eluana could legally be suspended.

Dr. Melazzini, it seems that tonight will be given entry only to those who support euthanasia.
If they do so, especially once you take into account all the people who, under the same conditions and Englaro Welby, want to be recognized their right to life. If they will know only a voice in the choir, will be unfair and undemocratic.

What should I do?
should hear the other hand, that of Italian citizens who respect those who think like Englaro or Welby, but who want to bring to the attention of all people faced with serious health conditions and disabilities but want to live.

For patients who want to live are not heard? Today there is an incredible lack of sensitivity to these suffering people. We are a society of conformists who believes that the disability can not be reconciled with a life worth living. We demand to be respected the right to life of the sick in such a serious health condition, and that they are helped. It seems, however, that only the Supreme Court ruling merits support and space.


Mario Melazzini

FRIDAY 'November 26






Largo Gemelli 1

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Central Canal Or Foraminal Stenosis

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rusian Pree Ten Models

Mario Melazzini in Catholic

NOTHING neglect

a testimony of
Mario Melazzini


"There are incurable,
but there are no incurable diseases,"
Mario Melazzini

FRIDAY ' November 26


Dresses Under 60 Dollars

Valley Staffora

this morning with my brother, I visited several small villages Staffora characteristics of the valley, the bright colors of autumn, on a beautiful sunny day, clear and warm.
We first rose to Rocca Susella, from whose summit we looked at the beautiful scenery of the surrounding hills and fields of fresh seed, then we descended towards the village of St. Zaccaria, decorated with, among other things, a valuable avenue of cypress trees in Arizona and a 'old stone church, in mountain style, with a nice front rustic impression of late Romanesque, visible in the photos. From here we reached
Godiasco Bridge and then Nice, where we made a quick stop in a "shop" for the sale of mushrooms and truffles, of any kind. With a small fee I bought a bag of dried porcini, recently collected, weighing a pound, on special offer at reduced prices.
no hurry then we have reached Cegni the location of a small and quiet group of stone houses, old streets and placed on very characteristic, in a delightful position, beaten by a cool mountain breezes, tempered by sunshine. The resort is known for a famous summer carnival "held every year around August and the festival is enlivened by the sound of a whole local music for wind instruments, known as" the Pied Cegni. A Cegni we took some photos to some corners and alleys in the country.
Then we reached the small but beautiful sanctuary of the Madonna del Bocco, accessible from a side of the road to Cegni, characterized by a steep climb of about 1 km on a narrow paved road in the middle a deciduous forest and coniferous trees, which leads to the square of the church erected in memory of Marian apparitions in 1948 the visionary Angela Volpini, interviewed several times in various TV in recent years. Two hundred feet below, in the woods, is a small temple which commemorates the exact spot of the apparitions in this young country.
alley, we went to St. Margaret Staffora, where a small and well-known local delicatessen salami cacciatorini I bought 3. In Santa Maghera we then consumed a small meal, "but very nice and modest spending, a restaurant not far from the course of Straffora. To complete the "food supplies" I was given the gift of a bag of variety Melette rare and little-known called "Knoblock Genovese." The variety seems to derive from a hybrid implant, made around 1850, on rootstocks (semi-wild) of apple trees of Genoese origin, with a plant of this rustic apple, with a certain distribution, in Oltrepo '. The variety "Genovese Knoblock, for some of its specific features, then had some circulation, in episodic form, in some gardens on the hills, particularly in the Valley Staffora.
At present, the variety is now very rare and difficult to find. The apples produced are small, varying in color from pale green (mostly) to bright red. Vaguely resemble the known varieties of apples Morgan (larger), but the taste and flavor of the knobs are more intense and captivating. They are rather hard dough, crisp tasting, last long in winter in a cool, are excellent, among other things, for baking, after elimination of the core, fill with sugar, the next brewing in a little water.
After the 15, while a few harmless white cloud appeared in the sky, we headed for home.
E 'was a pleasant and quiet day, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Generac Dealers In Ohio


prepare. Because soon, on a number of important local stations in Lombardy, will spot a pro-euthanasia. Manufactured in Australia where, however, was immediately criticized, was quickly translated and imported from the Italian Radicals, which now will pay the spread. Unless, of course, any guarantor of the stop.

In a video player, impersonating a patient, said he made his "final choice" and calls for the government "plays." Then, the tactic now usual pitiful case = + polls favor the law do we want, just tell us that "67% of Italians are in favor of legalizing euthanasia."

Nothing new under the sun, actually. In the sense that, just as an example, since the times of the law told us that 40 percent of Italians were in favor of the Bulgarian instances radicals. Too bad that, then there was to be implemented when all the figures bandied about have found no correspondence in reality.

All quiet then? Not really. Why the negativity of the spot not be underestimated. We look to the concreteness of the message and what is written (or better said) between the lines: the patient is alone, not attached to any machine with a woman who is always behind him, never speak. What we want to get across is the idea that illness is a matter solely and exclusively for the sick. That - alone - can not decide which it anymore and end his life. This applies to all patients, the ad seems to say, not only for "extreme cases" who live only with the help of special machines. Everyone, at some point, it must be able to decide over. And the state, mere instrument of the will of some, but also to ensure that their supposed right. Which, of course, would mean the "duty" for the state to kill its own citizens.

Ghastly? It's not over here. Why is there a woman who, as mentioned, remains still and silent behind the patient. Away from him because, in fact, according to spot the disease and treatment are lonely things. In this woman still and silent for the message (but not too subliminal) that we would give to the sick whether to legalize euthanasia. "You are a burden - we would call them - both for your loved ones and for society. You are a cost of no more productive, you are useless, it is better if you stand away. You would do yourself a favor, and to others. "

The spiral that would be triggered (and in some countries have already initiated) is tremendous, because it would ultimately weaken the desire of those who wish to fight. That would always be constantly and continually faced with the choice: "I state, I give you the tools to levarti of the way without giving too much trouble. Are you really sure you want to continue to be a burden to your loved ones and an expense for my speakers? ". As always remember

oncology Sylvie Menard and Dr. Mario Melazzini, requests for euthanasia of the sick are always, in fact, required help. And what should I do to respond to the cry of pain of these people, it is not left on their own. The way in which a just society must respond to the weak, in trouble, and seek help and take care of them. In the true sense of the word.

Caring for a sick person does not just mean giving the right drug, to choose the best therapy and park it in the correct department. This, explains Mario Melazzini often, it is only a part. Taking care of the sick person means to see him as a person and not like a walking disease. It means to cheer him when discouraged, to be near him when he is alone, understand their deepest needs and ensure that sees doctor not the mere executor of certain techniques (as would Veronesi), but above all a smiling face and a hand that supports it. Always.

It really does not care is just one thing "by doctors." E ', first and foremost, one thing to men, from "social animals" who will never forget their relationship and be giving a hand to their fellow beings in distress. They ask for euthanasia? And we respond really taking care of each patient. One last detail

strategic, perhaps at odds with the rest of the article but it should say. Let us be careful! Ignazio Marino has already spoken out against the ad because it says that affecting the battle for living wills. Here, here falls ass. They want us to believe (again, like they did with Law 40 and Law 194), precisely to reject the radical demands of euthanasia in the round you have to accept a "compromise." For example, as indeed would like Marino, euthanasia only in certain cases. We are careful not to fall into their trap, because once again to be at stake is people's lives.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Working Out During A Genital Herpes Outbreak


Angelica, the newly sending crisis in the philosophy of life

Angelica's return home healthy and well cared for made exclamations of joy and wonder in all the newspapers this week: Angelica, a little girl born with a weight of 550 grams to S. Camillo in Rome, when he had not yet passed the 23 weeks of gestation. It is a fact so obvious as to make change my opinion on who is giving clear limitations to resuscitation of premature infants born at less than 26 weeks after conception.

Unfortunately we know it is only the beginning of awareness, because in many Western countries care for extremely tiny infants to survive the following criteria different from those that follow for the assistance and for the survival of an adult who has the same risk of death or disability. For some, Angelica, born too soon because no one had to attend: an adult who falls from a balcony and is dying does. It seems impossible, yet it is this: several facts bear this out.

Studies conducted by a Canadian researcher, Annie Janvier show that the same high risk to health, including infant and adult physicians surveyed tend to treat the baby with less force, to the extreme not to deal at all . But not enough to revive the very small, in some countries expect the explicit request of the parents, knowing that this could have a conflict of interest with the minor (not all fathers and mothers are wonderful, the record tells us) and especially knowing that the sudden and premature birth are both confused and often upset.

And the renowned and famous philosophers argue that babies are not like other people, because they lack the ability to "autonomy", which they say is the characteristic that distinguishes humans in "people" and "non-persons ". And there are protocols designed to encourage children not to resuscitate even if they have a significant chance to survive, given that, in contrast, have a chance - not even a disability-confirmed.

But Angelica has returned home: he has found that the doctors knew that the survival even at 22 weeks is rare, but it is not impossible for many series is 1 in 10-15. Doctors who had no certainty about the prognosis in the delivery room, because the birth is not known if what will be the child who will do it, but still have a chance. But doctors were aware that, as shown in a Swedish study, that hospitals that revived without making a selection based on the risk of disability and death, how would these protocols instead of having a higher percentage of children with disabilities, have even a significantly minor. Knowing that there is a certain threshold below which no attempts to revive and a limit.

That said, the conversation takes us well beyond the criteria and weeks to consider. Because the fact is deeper: it involves the status of "person" that some Italian philosophers would remove the baby. After removing the fetus, which is also impossible to withdraw the child born prematurely, as is the size of a fetus? Perhaps subconsciously maybe that is what the infant does deal differently from the adult.

Quest'erosione of "citizenship" has emerged as an important ethical and moral magazines, and we ask the question: what is the person for us? It is the human being as such or because it has certain characteristics? He who receives "between our"? All, or only those that meet certain dictates? It's a question, we'll also covers adults with mental disabilities and other groups that a little 'to the time you are seeing deny the right to be called "people".

But the story of Angelica, the joy of his parents and the courage of the nurses and doctors who cared giving it a chance, throws light on all this: look at the jet overcomes the division series in human A and B. Angelica has simply because there. This is the challenge.