Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Denise Millani Slip Nipple

Presentation: "Good parents: Stories of mothers and fathers of gay" Press Release 05/06/2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

How To Get Suction Cups To Stick To The Wall


Group of the University of Bioethics Lay See 'A. Vitelli'

intend to express solidarity with Prof. Alberto Marani and outrage over the suspension of two months as a result of a questionnaire distributed to students, in which he asked to express a preference between the study of the Catholic religion, history of religion and human rights.

The story remains our indignation and our doubts on the transparency and excessive punishment, despite the denial of the relevant bodies about the reason for the suspension, mainly due to a number of

behavior of the professor (in essence the lack of punctuality in the care of school records) about which he has provided any justification.

We speak not only about the total validity of a questionnaire such information, but also for rivedicare the value of a tool that allowed students to actively discuss the organization of their teaching, bringing valuable guidance Council to improve the provision of training teachers for the school.

What is more absurd and at times disturbing in general, so vague statements by the Regional Education Office as from earlier statements by the Provincial Education Office director of Forlì-Cesena, the hostility is declared to any form of information, training and dialogue with students who are not closely related to matters pertaining to teachers.

She thought that in public education - a lay institution and especially plural - to offer students a choice between the study of the Catholic religion and other disciplines remain the minimum standard for respect and guarantee the freedom of thought and to pursue the goal of teaching critical thinking and educate the comparison between respectful different cultures, values, points of view.

also think that the very fact of dealing with students on current issues and organization of the teaching - something that interests them in the foreground - are not only beneficial but essential issues in higher education.

Press Signed

Monday, June 1, 2009

How To Stop Slugs Getting Into My Rabbit Hatch

Bars Bioethics

Emotion and reason in the doctor-patient relationship

Corso Galileo Galilei, 38

Sorry an error in reporting: the appetizer will be held on 23/06 and not the 16/06, always the same place and same time.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Victorian Sanitary Maid Girdle Gallery

living wills - A tool for or against the city?

"Bioethics has had the merit of the philosopher who awaken

slumbers in every man, taking up some of the issues

decisive Some thought they could solve by relying

impersonal figure of progress. " A. Pessina


Don Paolo Merlo

Salesian Pontifical University

Prof. Gianni Vattimo

University of Turin

Prof. Maurizio Mori

University Turin


Dr. Elisa Santini

Coordinator bioethanol

Dr. Robert Pauletta

Founder bioethanol


Public Library Alvaro Corghi

Via A. D'Oria 14/09

Cirie (TO) (CIRIE '2000)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Snow Plow On Dune Buggy

Pokemon Deluge Cheat Exp

Intervention bioethanol sit-in on February 10

We are here today to break a silence.

In a situation so delicate and dramatic as private as what the family is living Englaro, a respectful silence would be more appropriate attitude, and this is the attitude that until now we have followed for bioethanol. For a form of respect, needed now more than ever, we want to focus on the question of the rule of law and threatened to try to emphasize to rebut the arguments frequently put forward by the media, beyond the story of Eluana.

We therefore felt compelled to take the word following the events of recent days. We would like to hear

Englaro the family and the public that one voice and pounding coming from members of the ruling parties and the Vatican is not the only nor the most shared, denounce the arrogance of these positions, their rhetoric and smoke, positions often without analysis, a reflection of the confrontation, the difficulty of understanding the situation.
have been put in place a series of increasingly violent attacks on the rule of law until the fatal wound inflicted last Friday by the parties currently in government. Parties who have always disinterested ethical issues and that now they exploit a tragedy for the purposes of private power.

E 'was attacked the legitimacy of the Court of Cassation, the highest degree of Italian jurisdiction, challenging the principle of separation of powers. The Prime Minister has tried to bypass this trend first presented with a Decree overnight, and then attacked the President Napolitano, "threatened" instead of presenting a bill in record time, bypassing its stance. Decision which, if continued, will a law totally inadequate and unsatisfactory.

E 'was therefore deliberately opened an institutional battle between the highest offices of state after the President had suggested a comparison of large and shared on the subject of living wills and doubts on the constitutionality of Decree Law wrote overnight. A decree concerning an individual case and a matter so private, in front of which the State had a duty to stop, otherwise the infringement of the right to self-determination and the imposition of a choice but to take it only to the individual, following their religious beliefs or not.

So - in a escalation that seems to have really less and less to do with ethical issues so delicate - the Prime Minister attacked the Constitution, considering it insufficient to satisfy his desires, and has stated its willingness to revise as needed.

So today we are here because you called to defend the secular state, defense of constitutional rights, democratic order and the separation of powers.

Secondly, it is important to note that it has completely lost sight of the heart of ethical discourse, namely the reconciliation of the right to self-determination with the protection of people's lives and the issue of living wills, because of an attitude media more attentive to the spectacle of events to perform its primary function of information.

These days it seems that the primary purpose of the media is to reverse the position of the public, taking advantage of fears, emotional reactions caused by parallel force (if not totally contrived), and lack of knowledge on such specific topics using a rhetoric mischievous and far from the facts. However, when more than ever feels the urgent need for clear and accurate information so much on the medical and scientific overview on the legal and ethical issues and problems.

All this has brought no other result than the comparison of freezing and sweep away what little parliamentary debate already started.

Instead, what is important and necessary to recognize that this is the personal story is of value in terms of rights. How it has brought to light the need to fill a legislative vacuum careful regulation that seeks to respect the constitutional rights and provide tools for such complex decisions for households and for the hospital medical staff.

From this point of view, it is clear that the presence of a living will legally recognized and always editable makes any dispute as to the veracity of the testimony of a will expressed.

Any attempt to depose value of such an instrument for the expression of their will and then - through it - dismiss the value of individual autonomy, is intended to propose to chronicle many dramatic situations of this kind. We are faced with the proposal of a fictitious document that, far from being the continuation of the dialectical necessity in a worthy doctor-patient relationship in the event of unconsciousness, admission of impotence becomes synonymous with decision-making and medical paternalism, no longer acceptable. In its worst result this implies that it is impossible for the patient to refuse medical treatment of artificial nutrition and hydration. The other outrageous aspect

was the use of media to any arguments to suggest the question of murder and pain in our minds. The debate shows the backwardness in which we move from other countries. An example? Only in Italy will continue to use the topic of nutrition and hydration as medical treatments do not, abroad for years has been giving for granted that the acts being carried out only by qualified personnel, can only be described as 'doctors'.

We see the moves frequently used to arouse guilt in the conscience of those who argue the legality of the suspension of treatment. The argument

della'china slippery ', or the theory that allow the suspension of vital treatments the patient would lead to the abandonment of the weak and disabled

and pave the way for the abolition of all those patients who are in a PVS or in a state of unconsciousness. This prediction, however, appears to be totally erroneous since it does not take into account the fact, central, and essential that the necessary element is always the patient's wishes. If any medical action was linked to the individual will consent or dissent would avoid the allegations of abuse.

Another fear that is seeking to instill in all of us is that of the 'pain'. This usage or implied by terms such as 'dying of hunger and thirst,' which are linked to detailed descriptions about what happens day to day agency, or explicitly alluding to the possibility that the patient is suffering excruciating pain.

First of all is never to misuse of the absence of irreversible consciousness in the patient in PVS, since the damage to the cerebral cortex - in general confirmed by the results of autopsies performed on these patients. Moreover, although the description of what happens to a body deprived of nutrition and hydration, can take dramatic, one can not consider that the patient will not have perception of this process.

Placing the emphasis on finding weaknesses in the neurological field to cancel the existence of clinical certainty is intellectually wrong.

speak in these terms of level of consciousness that can connect to another topic that is often repeated that the 'miraculous awakenings', which rests on a confusion of terminology, sometimes intentional, between 'coma' and 'SVP'. In the first case one can speak of 'awakening' in the latter is internationally recognized as the irreversibility of the condition after one year of clinical observation (during which it is forbidden discontinue treatment).

We want to conclude by inviting not to be fooled by these manipulations and simplifications political-media and invited to reflect on the complexity of different issues at stake but require a power of awareness to avoid being enslaved by the opinions and wishes of others.

We as Beppino Englaro, we all deserve respect personal choices and values \u200b\u200bthat guide without expressing any opinion on the lives of others,


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Isabella Sopranio Cathouse

S. Parish Maria di Loreto

LENT 2009

Sunday, March 1: First Sunday of Lent
Thursday, March 5: Pilgrimage to Vicariale Virgin Odegitria (Cathedral of Bari)
Friday, March 6: 1st Fri of the month
16.30: Exhibition of Sacramento
"18.00: Vespers and Eucharistic Benediction
" 18.30: S. Mass
"19.15: Lenten Liturgy
Saturday, March 7, at 17.15: Meeting of catechesis for parents of children catechism
Sunday, March 8: Second Sunday of Lent
Wednesday, March 11: Lectio divina interparochial Youth and Thurs. I am at the Trinity Parish
Friday, March 13, at 19.15: Via Crucis animated by the children's catechism and their parents
Sunday, March 15: Third Sunday of Lent Retreat Diocesan
the engaged preparing for marriage preached by Archbishop F. Cacucci
Friday, March 20, at 19.15: Via Crucis Community
Saturday, March 21, 20.00: Musicol on S. Paul: "I need only you"
Sunday, March 22: Fourth Sunday of Lent
retreats for young at the Seminary of Bari
From March 23 to 27: Spiritual exercises for children and young people in care of the young town Look
Merc. 25 - Thurs. 26 - Fri March 27: Forty EUCHARISTIC
7,30: S. Mass
"8.00: Presentation of Sacramento
" 18.00: Solemn Vespers with Benediction
preaching and Friday 27: Via Cross interparochial
Sunday, March 29: Fifth Sunday of Lent (Lent Charity)
Wednesday, April 1, at 19.45: Community Catechesis
Friday, April 3: 1st Friday of the month
17.00: Exhibition of Sacramemto
"17.30: Confessions of the children's catechism
'18.30: Evening Prayer and Benediction
" 19.00: S Mass
community penance and individual confessions

Good Way to conversion and holiness to all Don Pasquale

Friday, February 6, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Buy Deli Meats

Bioethics Consultation with non-profit organization promotes TUESDAY 10 / 2 h 17
a national sit-in in every city in Italy. A moment of encounter and
mobilization in support of the family Englaro,
for compliance with the decisions of the judiciary and in upholding the rule of law and secularism
The invitation is addressed to all the associations that operate in society and citizenship
all in the hope that these days
a dramatic personal story can finally end and finish in the
arrogant interference by a government capable
to manipulate even the life, death and suffering of people.

TUESDAY 'February 10 HOURS 17




TORINO Piazza San Carlo ang. Via S. Teresa

Confident that the story of Eluana could finally be concluded as she wished, we spoken before to meet the demands of the family's silence Englaro. Now that the rule of law is subjected to harsh attacks by fanatics of the sacredness of life, we want to hear the voice of those who believe that the autonomy of people is inviolable, as is the secular state. And we want to be close to Beppino Englaro that, for his efforts, we consider worthy of the highest civilian awards, representing a model to point out to the country.

Info: - - consulta.bioetica @ Tel
02.58.300.423 - 339.33.35.461

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Whats The Best Methatione?

Here are some photos of our first meeting.

Pictures Sophie Brunodet

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pain In My Right Thigh And Leg Gall Stones

S. Christmas 2008
Letter to Baby Jesus
"On your knees and empty-handed"
Dear Baby Jesus,
here we are, once again, to remember your birth among us, Your words have the dwelling place among men. I confess that perhaps I for one did not yet understand what the evangelist Luke last night trying to tell us when he says that at your birth there was no place for you in the inn (Luke 2:7) and that John explicit, comprehensive, saying that "men loved darkness rather than light" (John 1:5).
Perhaps there is still clear that you did not want to just look out into the world, so home and dwelling in the hearts of men.
History, indeed, tells us, however, that many men and women have accepted and you have complied with their thoughts and their ways of life to the Gospel in different ways and different experiences.
Tonight we would like to repay you, Lord, love failure.
were born in a stable abandoned because they would not receive you. We, believers today, we strive to be the most hospitable and, therefore, we welcome you, but you, little boy, transforms our hearts from cold stall poor in hot environment worthy of your gift.

These days we also want to fall down and worship like the shepherds and the wise men who recognized in Your form of weak and helpless child, the Savior. A nice Christmas
legend tells that one of the pastors there was a so that poor man had nothing to offer and is very ashamed.
reached the cave, all vied with each other to offer their gifts. Mary did not know how to receive them all, having to hold you in my arms Divine Infant. Then, seeing the shepherd with his hands free, I took it and I gave him by asking in his hands. Have empty hands was his luck!
Happy are we if we can come to you often in the same way, empty-handed, it will be you, then fill with the special gifts that you alone know how to give them because you brought with you from heaven.
Happy are we if we learn to come back often to draw these gifts, the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, your body and your blood, food for our salvation.
A dear Father of the Church, S. John Chrysostom said: The Wise Men have adored this body reclined in the manger ... But you see no more in the manger, but on the altar.

The crib is then repeated in every Eucharistic celebration.
St. Francis of Assisi he said to his brothers: You see, every day the Son of God humbles himself, as when dropped from the royal throne in the womb of the Virgin, every day is to us humble in appearance, every day down from the bosom of the Father above the altar in the hands of the priest. And as to the Holy Apostles appeared in the flesh, so He reveals Himself to us in the consecrated bread.
The altar is thus the manger.
In every Eucharist is celebrated, You, the Divine King, continue to be born again!.
And, as in the cave of Bethlehem with Your arms wide open to every man wanted to give you, so, in the Eucharist through the words, Take, eat, take and drink, do you want us to give you as food and drink specials.
Yeah, Baby Jesus, the bread in there is you, always you, you.
You, the only one who knows how to accompany and guide our steps along the difficult path of life;
You know the one who moved before men, sometimes scattered and disoriented;
the only one who knows you really love and care of all.
And through the bread humble, poor, but substantial, challenges the way we mean and covetous of life, our habits to keep everything to ourselves. Through the Eucharist
You want to come and dwell in us.
The Apostle Paul did, before us, this experience, and you know how in one of his letters says, is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.
If the Eucharist for us it was all about every Sunday we would not hesitate, dear Jesus, to run like the Magi to Bethlehem Sunday, that is, our churches, our altar, kneel down, worship, contemplate, rejoice in Your love grant us, and that will never end.
Through the Eucharist, you want to send a fire of love that transform into creatures new and different, just as it did those two disciples on the road to Emmaus. That day began for them a new way to live and act, because their hearts had been renovated (Luke 24.13-33).
A similar thing happened over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem, the Magi after I met you, dear Jesus, another way they returned to their country, no longer the path of selfishness, but that of love.

In this most holy night, dear Jesus, sends us home with a new heart and new roads for the most luminous and hot, because inhabited by your presence.
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Thanks again for the good that we want.
In fact, even us, so ours, we want you so much!

Thank you, and many good wishes
December 25, 2008 Don Pasquale