Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Do Pigeons Sleep In Nests?

The "White Paper on the vegetative and minimally conscious"

press release bioethanol - See Section University of secular bioethics A. Vitelli di Torino

Torino, 11/6/2010

We express our disagreement about the conclusions that emerge from the White Paper on the vegetative and minimally conscious just released by the Ministry of Health - conclusions that seem dictated by ideology rather than genuine scientific investigation.
The document states that it is necessary to recognize as a disability, vegetative state serious "because people are" able "to return to the home without the support of equipment for life support." We wonder whether this is sufficient reason to declare a condition a vegetative state, where there is no conscience or no chance of interaction, such as an extremely serious form of disability. The lack of solid scientific subjects is also evident in the assertion that people in PVS feel pain. On the bill that "in their state of" unconscious with his eyes open "suffer, so the" working group "recommends to" extend the prescription painkillers to all those in a vegetative state to be diagnosed as probable sources of pain such as abscesses and sores'. " Yet, returning to the recent Englaro, we must admit that Eluana has never shown any reaction to pain. Still, there appears a statement with a strong ethical and ideological definition artificial nutrition and hydration as "normal care" and not medical treatment, because the consequence would be to transform their possible suspension in a drop-care ".

Although we agree with the need to define these states in more detail and give doctors better operating conditions, it seems CalabrĂ² that neither the bill nor this document, which should be the corollary of the bill technically can perform these tasks, in the absence of scientific rationale underlying the measures.
therefore reaffirm our support for Beppino Englaro and his wife, believing that to Eluana has not been a case of "giving care", but a treatment of care commensurate with his will. Finally, we take this opportunity to express our opposition to the bill CalabrĂ², that human life is inviolable and unavailable. This formulation prevents citizens to choose their own bodies and of denying the right to self-determination, and the decree, far from extending informed consent through a living will, de facto limited, making it a fake document, which can not bind the doctor and therefore has no value.

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Issues in Bioethics: End of Life

press release bioethanol - See Section University of secular bioethics A. Vitelli di Torino

Chieri, May 19, 2010

bioethanol - part of a university of secular bioethics See A. Calves - Calls the Show the Ghetto, Via Della Pace 8, Chieri, where, starting at 21, the conference will be held end of life issues of: vegetative state and brain death. The speakers will be Prof. Maurizio Mori (Professor of Bioethics at the University of Turin and President of the Consulta Bioethics Onlus) and Don Giuseppe Zeppegno ( scientific director of the Master in Bioethics at the Faculty of Theology in Turin vice president of Bioethics & People).
The theme of the meeting is brain death, its definition and its validity and the difference between this, the permanent vegetative state and coma.
The media information in a few moments is proposed as Speaker of bioethical issues, but in a very planned and often misused, creating confusion public opinion.

We can not therefore be surprised that there are still many difficulties in making it clear to people the difference between the vegetative state and the various types of coma and between and brain death. However, not only contributes to the media information one confusion, but also politics and local government, as in the case of Chieri, where the Department of Culture has decided, so instrumental and preconceived that certain issues should not be debated, in fact, the bioethical issues in our town can be treated from a single point of view, preventing the other items to find space and word, so it hinders the fecundity of debate, so the free information and free opinion.

We talk about a dialectic of confrontation, but in fact it does not hinder any ideas approved the system of the majority, it is inevitable that a flattening on stagnant positions that can not make any progress in human thought. bioethanol aims to contribute to the bioethical debate by organizing meetings territory and universities in order to rebalance a partial information and often instrumental. We believe, therefore, that even in Chieri is necessary to open the discussion on these issues, so we decided to organize the conference that discussed above. It will precisely the purpose of clarifying the issues, terminology and to show thanks to speakers, some of the positions in the Italian bioethics. Thus, ensuring plurality and freedom of the debate, we intend to publicize this regard.