Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why Do Muslim Females Wear Skirts

Monday, March 14th at 18:30 NOON (Milan) - is an aperitif!

The evening is a place for open debate on the selection of the leadership of our country, the need to enhance the merit and competence of individuals, the announced replacement of the population that is often difficult to apply ... many contributions, so a big opportunity to inisieme different points of view for a common future.
The policy change only when we are together and we are many. Do not miss out.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Make A 3d Dump Truck Cake

From words to deeds: GD in Como for the tables of solidarity

How To Remove Write Protect From Usb

March 8, 2011: International Women's Day

In which celebrates the 150th Unit of Italy we value the day of 'March 8, created to remind both the social achievements, political and economic conditions of women, both discrimination and violence they are yet declared in many parts the world. In many towns celebrate this double anniversary by recalling the great female figures that have made Italy great and have been forgotten by history, to create that "women genealogy" in our country lacks. After the extraordinary success of the demonstration on 13 February, which brought more than one million women in the square, we believe that talking about women's issues means discuss the issue of Italy. The fact same as the experience of the committees' If not now when "continue to produce materials and initiatives is demonstrated. Particular attention in the initiatives is the theme of insecurity is now understood as a condition of life that weighs on young women and affects the entire national community and its future, and that of motherhood. The Secretary of the PD
Bersani reiterated the "fundamental to the advancement of women for the development or loss of a country, as well as for its growing population. Women should really be the protagonists and the extent of change in society. " Today will be symbolically handed over the signatures gathered at Palazzo Chigi to demand the resignation of Berlusconi, whose view of women has submerged for decades in his person because of the concentration of political power, economic and media. But beyond that we must think about how to rebuild our country on a different basis. The women of the Democratic Party have highlighted all the rules in the last three years of the Berlusconi government has weakened and pushed back the women in terms of lack of services and employment policies are non-existent and then made concrete policy proposals (which can be found at link), some of which are already contained in the bills that our members have submitted to both Houses, but were mostly rejected.
How Young Democrats of Lombardy have actively contributed to the birth of the network of young women that GD has brought a contribution to national and regional conferences of women of the Democratic Party and we have also opened the discussion to children, convinced that to continue with the idea of full equality between men and women in every sphere of life is a big win for everyone.