Friday, August 8, 2008

Infinate Money Cheat Emerald

right to life Right to life case Eluana

On the case Englaro's request to publish by the Associations of Relatives of the brain of the Republic of Milan because Prcuratore propose to appeal death sentence for Eluana. This document represents the views dell'Assoociazione and my personal

the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Milan

Dear Attorney General of the Republic of Milan,


Federation National Association Cranial Plot (n. 23 member associations - ( )

joined the network associated head injury and severe brain injury (. ... member associations)
The association
VI.VE. non-profit organization (20 members including medical psychologists, bioethicists)

years been among the most representative associations in Italy dealing with coma and vegetative states and issues related to their outcomes and the severe brain injury, have an internal scientific committees and expert advice including foreigners, following the clinical and training, are therapeutic alliance with excellent facilities and are directly involved in the processes of social change on the issues of "quality of life outcomes in a coma" and the need to "protect civil rights care and dignity of life "in a uniform manner on the national territory and have demonstrated in recent years also to be able to talk constructively and operating with the competent parliamentary, ministerial and institutional usually at the local level.

associations have shown in recent years to be able to play a role in three functions:
- Knowing how to catch a few decades a variety of needs and understand them in their entirety and in their priorities, from a lived experience and know how be proactive.
- Knowing how to gather around these resources needs
- Being able to experiment with innovative models of intervention with a strong collaboration between families and the technical scientific community, an alliance with the medical staff in the planning, design, validate these buildings in the path of solutions that demonstrate the strong ability of families to talk with professionals


to submit without delay to appeal to the Court of Appeal on the case Eluana.

CONSIDERED CONTRARY to the concept of irreversibility of the vegetative state
a vegetative state can not be determined with absolute certainty irreversible and permanent. The ruling cites a definition of Multisociety Task Force on Developing Countries of the now largely dated 1994 which refers to the distinction between old-fashioned for too long a permanent vegetative state and persistent. There is mention of a rather large literature subsequent and otherwise. Really sorry that on this point incontrovertibly the ruling of the Court of Appeal of Milan that is (and only too) rebuilt to a dated document of a ministerial commission immediately opposed by the vast majority of the scientific world, to the point that that document has now taken the distances in the same ministry, and about everything when in fact you have another, more recent document of a subsequent ministerial commission, yes officially recognized by the ministry, which reaffirms the current inability of science to make a diagnosis of persistent vegetative state , so that the latter document suggests deleting the definition of "permanent vegetative state" for replace it with the scientifically more correct than "prolonged vegetative state." It must be noted that to date it is not possible to determine whether these people are able to feel pain or suffering. It may be true, however without any form of certainty, for some of the people in a vegetative state, but it is not true for most of them. The evidence of recent years, particularly with the techniques of neuroimaging and cognitive potential, showed a panorama of situations much more complex than what we thought until not long ago. Traces of some type of cognitive processing are present in a number of patients with clinical diagnosis of vegetative state. The evidence is so significant that not only introduced the diagnosis of minimally conscious state, but even some scholars have suggested an intermediate category of "minimally conscious state without any behaviors that clinically mimerebbe a state of vegetation. Although it was a state of minimal consciousness rather than a vegetative state, it is worth remembering the case of Terry Wallis, who has substantially changed since 19 years! Also shown is the high risk of misdiagnosis (over 40% in some series). Finally, in most patients small changes in the profile of environmental responsiveness occurring over the years, a sign of adaptation processes and plasticity that are assets over time. Therefore, a prognosis of vegetative state is a prognosis Irreversible scientific applications. This is rather an outcome of probabilistic nature. It is also important to consider that the person in a vegetative state does not have a flat EEG is not terminally ill, is a person who upon reaching clinical stability is no longer considered to be "patient or malt" but people with serious disabilities, it is perhaps The person with the highest level of disability. And 'person for all purposes to which are ascribed to all the rights of a citizen.

the NIA as a medicine
is not shared in the medical literature, the concept supported by the Supreme Court that the NIA is a drug, therefore rejectable art. The use of 32 of the Constitution safeguards nasogastric tube and / or enteral tube (PEG) for hydration and nutrition, should not be considered a treatment for a person otherwise unable to do so on its behalf. If there is no treatment, there can be so fiercely. And how can we consider that: implanting these garrisons is not at all invasive are used for the purpose for which they were designed (to nourish and hydrate), the administration of food and water can be carried by anyone (family members who do so are at home ) through a simple connection of the container of food or drink in the tube; preparations food technological processes involving chemical (also commonly used) may be replaced by all-natural foods that can be reduced to a proper density by appliance (they are many families who administer natural foods). Lastly, it appears somewhat contradictory in this respect the rules stated in the execution sentence of suspension of NIA at the point where tax is still needed as well as a frequent moistening of the mucous membranes, including the administration of a "substance capable of eliminating the inconvenience of lack of fluids. " That is, the patient must be hydrated.

to authorize the use of "good life"
remain rejected some key principles of our legal system, such as the most personal of acts indelegabilità goods unavailable as the good life, assuming that at present there is no legislation that authorizes the representative to assert in this sense the concern expressed previously by the person under guardianship. So it is really beyond any logic and any legal precedent as well as out of any good or make the normal sense of conviction Eluana clear desire to leave a "living will" in the sense to refuse treatment in the case, then unfortunately occurred, the personal condition of vegetative state, by a character young freedom-loving and with simple phrases such incidents to comment absolutely typical and normal in a young woman as a young man, is really disconcerting and dangerous take from this time a decision of accepting an application for cancellation of a life lovingly carried on for 15 years!

subjects in appeal, in respecting the human story of Eluana and his family, they feel deeply affected by a ruling that calls into question:

- the lives of thousands of people in Italy are in the same conditions, who are cared for by family members living with passion and sharing, with prospects for their future well-being, without any justification the legal, ethical and scientific, also makes it even more precarious and vulnerable, "the existing rights and, in particular, future, thousands of people with a diagnosis of vegetative state and their families;
- if it is held a declaration in young age as a manifestation of will, and then as a form of biological testmento, the very life of thousands of people with severe disabilities or those with different diseases including degenerative brain system.
- the work of associations, social cooperation and the voluntary sector who work with planning and strategies for the quality of life of patients with severe brain injury, results in a state of coma and vegetation for their social reintegration and protection of their social value
- internationally and identified by scientific assessments, which found the basis for a therapeutic course for patients treated

National Federation Cranial Trauma Association
The Network (The President - Paul Fogar) Associations together to head trauma and severe brain injury

LIVE onlus (Screw Vegetative)


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