obviously did not know that I had miscarried, I was told that they could help me, support me. The man in white coat, nurse?, Who was behind her and was distributing leaflets have heard what I was saying and started to scream that we were the killer, that women who abort commit murder are mentally ill. I raised my voice too, I said that before any other consideration, a man could not understand what could try a woman. He raised his voice even more, he said that I could give birth and then to take my son. I was horrified, I cut short and I entered. When he went out again. , Unpleasant experience, I will never forget. "Mary Speaks, 34, used. He decided to tell this story because, he says," I read in the newspapers of the intention to bring the region at the hospital who want to convince you that you're committing a murder. I am astounded by the idea that a man like that, which also bore the coat and said he had all the skills to speak, may be one that a girl could be ahead, perhaps mistaken for an institutional figure. A shock. "
On that August day when she went to St. Anne for that control, Mary asked the doctors working in the department abortions, abortions, if they knew what was happening outside:" I have confirmed which were often out there to leaflets, trying not to get in front of the entrance. Then I talked to other women who were waiting like me. One had the flyer in hand, another told me that I had an abortion but she was conscious of having committed a sin. I experienced a feeling of anxiety, I am convinced that every woman in that state chooses and knows full well that whatever the decision will pay a price. "
Mary does not deny to wake up every morning thinking about that child could be born: "But I do not felt, I was alone, I felt pretty strong. But I believe strongly in freedom of choice, all possible aid and no washing the brain of religious inspiration. " The reception in the clinics has been great, people say "I met wonderful people with whom I could also mention that I have explained very clearly for all purposes. By the way, I have health problems that pose a risk if to surgical abortion. For me, RU486 was the only safe solution. "
After this experience he says he believes that Mary If anything is needed even more attention to women who have abortions, that they do with the pill or surgery: "I believe that we should not save on personnel, if anything, we would need a social worker or psychologist, someone that in addition to health issues made it very clear by doctors, may also explain what are the possible paths to a woman's mother, any institutional support, practical assistance. " Even in the hospital could offer more: a bit 'of extra staff to avoid undue haste, more suitable, preferably away from places where children are born: "I think this is the way, certainly not the disturbing presence of who first to offer his help try to convince you, among other things, often in a bad way, you're committing a sin and not a choice, however painful for your life. "
Source: The Republic
Author: Sara Strippoli
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