Melazzini Here's what Mario would say. And he can not say why the "democratic" Fazio and Saviano are afraid of ideas and discussion.
"The disease can not discriminate against anyone. The dignity of life is the basis of equality "
Law freedom to live or die? Euthanasia or aggressive treatment? Self-determination or clinical report? The comparison of serious and constructive dialogue with all actors in the debate moves from one precondition: the words meant, baste a shared vocabulary. You have a nice talk about the rights of the individual. Actually, this individualism, the official ideology of post-Enlightenment civilizations, is an individualism of the role and not the person. As in the transmission Come away with me an example ecclatante! It is appropriate that I draw up a "list" of priority: The recognition of the dignity of life of every human being must be the starting point of reference for a society that defends the value of equality and is committed to the illness and disabilities are not criteria for exclusion.
The dignity of life, all life, is an ontological character of human beings and not dependent on the quality of life, or having lived only as a utilitarian concept. Unacceptable endorse the idea that some disabling conditions render worthless life and transform the patient into a social burden. This is an insult to everyone, but especially for those who live with these conditions. This idea increases the loneliness of people with disabilities and their families, introduced in the fragile doubt they can be victims of a planned disinterest on the part of society, and encourages decisions rinunciatarie.Avere sure that everyone will receive treatment, care and adequate support. It must ensure the patient and his family every possible proportionate and appropriate form of treatment, care and sostegno.Promuovere, protect and secure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities and promote respect for their inherent dignity: the inclusion work, independent living, school integration accessible tourism, with a concrete guarantee of continuity of answers for the person with a disability and to his sick body famiglia.Un , disabled, in any case can not become a factor of isolation, exclusion and marginalization from the world.
Making concrete investments in the economic sphere and to promote the cultural idea of \u200b\u200bcitizenship extended to include all, as per constitutional provisions, and to reaffirm the unique value of every human being, even those who are considered "useless "as judged incapable of giving a direct contribution to life in the country sociale.Rinsaldare sure that everyone will receive treatment, care and adequate support. Before thinking about the suspension of treatments is necessary to ensure the sick, the disabled person and his family every possible form of adequate and proportionate treatment, care and sostegno.Approvare urgently essential levels of care "frozen" for years now, effective welfare policies. Protection of life. Today, a certain school of thought believes that life under certain conditions is transformed into a fury and an unnecessary ordeal, forgetting that effective care and the continuous development of technology also enable those affected by debilitating diseases highly to continue to look at life as a gift full of opportunities and unexplored paths before malattia.Confrontandoci peacefully with the disease, with the fragility, we can all understand something about our common human condition. Let's try.
national president Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association - Aisle
TODAY Mario Melazzini
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