In a statement on 28 September Amnesty International has called for the liberalization of abortion in Chile, Nicaragua and El Salvador. If the Association shall be taken against Nicaragua in particular arguing that the country would "go back" because it has limited abortion in all circumstances. In the largest country in Central America, Amnesty along with other pro-abortion groups collected 37,000 signatures to ask for permission to free abortion. Furthermore, in a statement, Amnesty praises the dictatorial government of Cuba, because it has liberalized abortion several decades ago. E 'at least strange that the same organization do not say anything about the fact that Cuba applies the death penalty, applied against opponents of the regime. In this regard, it is tragic to note how the regime Cuban, praised by Amnesty, is those who defend life. Oscar Elias Biscet, a Cuban Catholic doctor, who has fought against abortion, euthanasia and the shootings, has been unjustly sentenced in 2003 to 25 years in prison.
say is absolutely disgraceful, and we wonder how it is possible that an organization that claims to be for "human rights" can instead just relentlessly against the weakest and most defenseless, the children conceived. We simply repeat the clear words of John Paul II in this respect: "no peace movement is worthy of the name, if not condemned and opposed with equal force to the battle against unborn life" and we hope that the many ignorant supporters of Amnesty, perhaps rather sensitive to the defense of the right to life of every man, may reconsider their support for this organization.
Alberto Tibaudi
Dellagiulia Piergiorgio
life movement in the province of Cuneo
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