Thursday, January 20 to 18 hours in classroom 36 New Palace will host the meeting " Ethics and Neurosciences, freedom in fragments " attended by Professor. Piergiorgio Strata and Professor Laura Boella .
Neuroscientists are riding a watershed of the image we have of ourselves promise to link the mind to the brain, the private world and subjective experience, feelings and thoughts with public and objective world of raw data. The neurosciences have just the promise of prevent dementia or enhance our cognitive abilities, but offer a new perspective on what it means to be human .
What are the implications for the ethical theories that before giving a moral, or decide to implement an action that has implications for morale, you use certain areas of our brain? What does it mean commit voluntary action and what are the conditions under which the individual is responsible for his actions?
What are the implications for the ethical theories that before giving a moral, or decide to implement an action that has implications for morale, you use certain areas of our brain? What does it mean commit voluntary action and what are the conditions under which the individual is responsible for his actions?
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