The eclipse darkened Thirty years of the Living Nativity
This morning, shortly before 8, I joined my son Olivier, that the bicycle lane, parallel to the straight between Massu and Torre d'Isola, had installed a small telescope can also be used with the camera, to observe partial eclipse of the sun.
the morning, very cold, with meadows covered with frost, it was relatively light, although some low dark clouds were gathering on the horizon in the direction East, to Pavia, from which point in the sky, low angle view, would have to observe the eclipse of the sun. Shortly after the new arrivals are
Father Olivier, Prof. Mario, the delightful Olivier sisters, Virginia and Caroline, his friend Gianluca, all of them driven by a strong desire to see this rare astronomical phenomenon, frequency era.
We "hope" that the low clouds and dark were soon swept away by the rising sun and semi-hidden, but which you can see, the side to its positioning in the sky, some light projections, like rays of yellow-pink, many beautiful.
Despite the poor visibility of the phenomenon, because of clouds, some light marginal effect, connected eclipse, as the sun rose on the horizon was visible.
I took several photos with my small digital camera, which took over "shortly" the phenomenon of overlapping ecliptic "(the moon on the sun), but I was able to fix some original pictures of the light variations of the sky, above the our vantage point, between 8 am and 10.30 am.
During the more "acute" the eclipse, at about nine thirty, the sky is partially obscured, especially in the direction of Pavia, but also in the direction of Torre d'Isola. We, halfway between the Tower Island and Massawa, strangely, we were "in the middle of a point above us, quite clearly, in apparently little affected by the weather phenomenon.
around 9 and 3 / 4, the clouds have thinned a little, and the sun, at the height of astronomical phenomenon, has beamed around the circumference, a halo of light. Looking carefully into the light zone was possible to see, dimly, the shape of the solar disk, the crescent of the sun light is not covered by the moon, the faint imprint of the portion of dall'eclisse sun deck.
Olivier, took advantage of the best view of that time to "set" the best telescope, which has helped to "see" some beautiful pictures of the eclipse, seen in turn by those present. In some of these images of the sun were even visible, to the edge of the circle, number of sunspots. Olivier has taken directly from the telescope, with a good camera, some pictures "of the scythes of the Sun" produced by the overlapping of the moon on the sun. In the blog entry
are some of my "general picture" of the sky towards the eclipse, taken from dawn to late morning, while some close-up images of astronomical phenomenon, accessible to the telescope, will be sent to me by my son and so I can upload them to the blog.
Shortly after 10, after the friendly greetings to those present, which were added just before my daughter and some other friends, I returned home, "half frozen, but satisfied," to warm his hands and feet numb from the cold .
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