February 9: Day of the permanent vegetative state still
A year ago, after over 17 years on the vague border between life and death, Eluana is gone forever. His body, at least, because according to his father (and, as found in many legal disputes, as you said before the accident and the coma), Eluana was already dead, in fact, 17 years earlier. Today, a year later, we are celebrating the first day dedicated to people in a permanent vegetative state, as desired by the Government.
"Every day, doctors are faced with dramatic choices for a patient when there is no reasonable hope of recovering the intellectual integrity and a life independent of the equipment and therapies that support it. Current technology is able to keep alive patients allowing to artificially prolong the life of a person who has lost every resource and all this makes the problem more and more dramatic voluntary interruption of treatment in order to avoid aggressive treatment. Hence the need to train doctors and provide citizens and the society of decision tools, such as living wills. "Thus it is written in the presentation of the Bill in the Senate filed by Ignazio Marino and other deputies PD. As young democratic citizens, we are convinced of the need for regulation of such a delicate matter: each of us can have a different conception of the limit of usefulness of health care, which should be on its way to the end-life. We believe that needs protection, the centrality of individual choice, not forced to care, and obviously not to abandon them, and make these statements may be valid and binding even if an individual is more conscious and can not claim in first person in his will. Protect the serenity of belief, of course, putting appropriate safeguards. First of all, the appointment of a trustee: that subject, namely, that instead of the patient in an unconscious state must pay or withhold consent to treatment, taking into account the wishes, values and conviction of the person concerned. Then, the possibility of using the ethics committees of hospitals in more complex situations in which there is no agreement between the doctor, trustee and other parties involved-possibly spouses, partners, children ...).
a civil battle, a battle all the more urgent and indispensable. To be fully free citizens for us to go from here, from the possibility of self-determination. And, because on such an age-related staff can not all be in agreement, the guarantee to everyone the opportunity to choose from.
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