Italy is the country where anything is possible. Where it is possible that women are not considered in the working world, where they could be marginalized in the world of politics ... The country where women, especially in politics, are seen as lovers, automatons ready to show gratitude to the Dragon, in exchange for their loyalty, their dignity, their critical intelligence, the rewards with money and jobs.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;This Paesee is where those who will not bend is considered to be an ingrate, an envious against those who "knowingly sat on his luck">> says Mark Gnesi GD of Lombardia. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;How and especially girls as boys, like men, we can not accept living in a country that respects and does not consider women. As women and as men we want to breathe the scent of dignity >>
In this regard, is nice to share some passages of the letter from Sister Mary Giarretta , among the founders of Ruth House (a shelter in the province of Caserta), as food for thought. We no longer want must apologize for a country that does not respect women.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;[...] Today, looking at the face of Susan and bend light in one of his little Francis, chosen and accepted with love, thinking of its history, (was forced into prostitution at age 16, Ed) I felt the need, as a woman as dedicated and as an Italian citizen, to ask pardon of Susan to the unseemly spectacle to which everyone, these days, we are witnessing. And not only Susan, but also to the many women who have found help to the many still enslaved on our roads. But to the many volunteers and many young with whom we believe in the value of the religious person, in particular of women, recognized and respected in their dignity and freedom.
am puzzled as to assist government representatives, elected to try and do only good for our country, offend, humiliate and spoil the image of women. Restless see exercise power in a manner so brazen and arrogant that reduces women to a commodity and where the rivers of money and promises of intertwined bodies transformed into objects of enjoyment.
How not to go with the mind the image of another "palace" of power, where about two thousand years ago the powers that be, incarnate in King Herod, John the Baptist shouted with all her voice: "It is not lawful, it is not lawful."
today too, in the name of Susan, feel I raise my voice and tell our powerful the Erode-turn, you are not allowed! N on it is permissible to offend and humiliate the "beauty" of women, you are not allowed to transform relations into commodities trading, driven by interest and money, and especially now it is not lawful stifle the way of young people in their desire for authenticity, beauty, transparency and honesty.
But before this show I rode in a question: where are the men , where males ? In their silence, there is still too much silence, complacency and perhaps subtle hidden envy .(...)
So thanks to you, Susan, for giving voice to mine, and our indignation, hours I, as a woman consecrated as a citizen, and look into your eyes with the little Francis breathe the scent of human dignity and freedom. >>
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