Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lia Sophia Jewelry Party

am speaking in this debate by bringing all my doubts, all my uncertainties. Are unable to discuss whether it is legally correct behavior of the father of Eluana, or whether it is one of the judges who have voted for the suspension of each treatment Eluana, leading thus to certain death.
Provo, however, admiration for the courage and determination that shows the girl's father in fact, and this admiration increases when compared to its strength and security with my weakness and uncertainty.
In fact, I prefer to take with me my daughter Helen, two years in a vegetative state, assuming, with my wife, the burden of treat, feed, wash, etc. .. Every day we provide to their needs, without getting any sign of change in the knowledge that there is a semblance of a smile, a tear that make us hope for even the most minimal recovery.
Yet we continue and will continue to assist and cure it, because we love and why we do not have the courage to do without it. Perhaps the father of Eluana loves his daughter more than us because, seeing the physical suffering and uselessness of life lived in that way, than any feeling of love and decides to end it. E 'right? Actually corresponds to the will of the poor creature that perhaps incorporates, but is unable to speak? It is alleged that
Eluana would never want to live this way and that this effect was expressed some time ago. But the will may change with changing circumstances: to prefer death to any mutilation of the body can be strongly felt when their functions are perfect, but it may fail when you feel close to death and then it would be terrible not being able to express its different intention. The limit of the "living will" is just that: it could no longer represent the will of the subject when it should be performed.
Grande Therefore, it is the responsibility of the person who undertakes the task of interrupting each treatment to the sick, restoring, he said, the course of nature leads them to death.
THE LAWS OF NATURE: they are inspired by a basic principle: the weak must succumb to the strong. This principle, in modern times, was not accepted by mankind, except in some particular historical period (Nazism, fascism), on the contrary, natural laws have been violated thousands of times for the benefit of a human life longer, healthier and was legislated in the opposite direction in order to protect the weaker creatures by the arrogance of the fittest. Restore the laws natural now?! It 's a choice that, in this case, I would say is a fundamental "political", as was the case with "Welbi" between opposing tendencies: between what is in some way, and would like to introduce that into the EUTHANASIA oppose it with all the media hype that creates such extreme arguments on public opinion.
What, however, I am most irritating thing is that in all this fuss, ignores the daily problems of those who like Eluana are in a state of severe or limited "responsiveness" and that, for them, somehow, you chose to live, even if it costs sacrifice and suffering.
How many states are growing in Italy and particularly in Campania;
how they came to that status;
What is the path to the most appropriate course of treatment;
which the state of research on vegetative states;
What national guidelines;
What are the appropriate structures and how many national and regional
As has been analyzed in various regions, especially in Campania.
are just some of the questions facing the families of brain-damaged and awaiting response from the competent bodies, and on these topics, no news organization has felt the need to open an investigation. Why?


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