Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dog Best Friend Quotes For Picnik


Marco Bounce - The Compass Daily

Good news is that yesterday the European Court of Human Rights has now clearly established and that the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, there is no right to abortion. That is not good at the same time, the Court refers to the national parliaments of the Member States of the European legislative decision on every point. The ambiguity lies in the fact that if, theoretically, the second measure provides a measure of democracy is absolutely necessary within the European institutions, preserving the principle of national sovereignty, in practice only moves the problem almost pretending not to see what are the guidelines legislation of the vast majority of the parliaments of EU member states concerning the right to life. Moreover, precisely one of the exceptions filoabortista historical orientation of the media in national laws, Ireland (there abortion is banned except in rare and unique), was the casus belli.

The Strasbourg ruling yesterday closed the case, known as "ABC", which opened in 2005 by a case brought by three women (two Irish and a Lithuanian resident in Ireland) against the non-abortion legislation in the country blamed for this reason to violate Article 8 of the European Convention (an international treaty drawn up by the Council of Europe and which entered into force in 1953), which protects the "right to respect for private and family life."

To abort the three women came to his time as a sad practice in such cases in Britain. One of them was barely recovering from cancer and asked to complete an abortion, fearing that the unwanted pregnancy would have caused a resurgence of evil. To her, only to her, the Strasbourg court ruled in favor of, a breach of the famous art. 8, and then condemned Ireland to pay the woman with 15 thousand euro.

But what he did yesterday Strasbourg was only recognize a violation of that article of the Convention, not the positive support that it extends the right to abortion.
Certainly, in this case, art. 8 has been instrumentally used by "C" for supporting abortion rights, but the Convention does not in itself so decided, either in spirit or in letter.

The ridge is thin and tight battle. Certain political forces and lobbies seek to introduce cultural force in Europe the right to abortion where it does not exist, invoking a "spirit of the Treaties" European "hovering" to "conventional wisdom" on the texts of the documents themselves. The legal authority of guardians' "originality" of the Treaties and categorically deny them constantly texts the hand. But the limbo of the interpretation is too broad.

As for "C", the case that most lends itself to assessments captious, the PNCI, Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (international coordination for the promotion and respect for the dignity of human life, to Washington by Marie S. Smith), delivers, now a major statement of John Smeaton, national director of the Society for Protection of Unborn Children, based in London. "The Court," Smeaton said, "has misunderstood the Irish Constitution, confusing abortion with medical care. The Constitution of Ireland, with no right to abortion or the right to life of unborn babies can in no way be considered in competition with the right to life of the mother. Abortion is not a medical treatment and Ireland, where abortion is banned, it offers the best health care to mothers of the world. If it becomes law, this ruling to legalize abortion for a wide range of circumstances. "

The danger, then, is not averted. But the fact remains that the decision yesterday, said PNCI, a great defeat of the pro-abortion logic, the one who dreamed of transforming the case "ABC" in the legalization of abortion "European" creeping doubt that the Irish legislation is inconsistent with parameters average of the Member States.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Whats With The British Wearing A Red Flower Pin

: Formigoni while asleep, the youth of the Democratic Party made up their minds on the future

The Young Democrats of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna are in Viadana (MN) Sunday, December 19 together with mayors , associations and citizens, to say NO to the hypothesis of nuclear power plant.
Vasco Errani, President of the Emilia-Romagna, "Only the green economy as a way to overcome the current crisis."

Determined to defend their territory. In this spirit, the Young Democrats of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna are in Viadana (MN) Sunday, December 19, from 10am, together with local authorities, associations, committees and citizens.
under 30 Northern Democrats held a rally in the town on the border with cheese, which is one of the places where it may rise to a nuclear power plant, to say NO a decisive and motivated to return of nuclear power in Italy .
Young people of the Democratic Party argue that investment in research are the only way to develop secure systems and efficient energy production and energy saving is the only goal for the environment and improving the living conditions of all citizens.
"I share and support the initiative of the Young Democrats - said Vasco Errani , President of the Emilia-Romagna -. We are not and we will never favor the installation of a nuclear power plant in our region and in Lombardy . We are opposed to the third generation nuclear power, as demonstrated by now from the perspective of many excellent scientific centers international, has very serious problems regarding security and cost. " "We need to focus on the green economy - continues the President - saving energy efficiency and alternative sources, to give Italy a sustainable and lasting. The green economy , therefore, as a way to overcome the current crisis, an economy that is intelligent because an economy that is development that minimizes the consumption of finite resources. Congratulations to the boys for their efforts on important issues for the future of our country. "
The event, organized in cooperation with the Democratic Party, already has on the accession of Legambiente, Coldiretti, Energy happy, H2O Committee, CIA and will see the arrival of a procession in the square of Viadana, where he will speak Maurizio Martina (PD Lombardy Regional Secretary) and Stella Bianchi (Director of the National Democratic Party Environment).
There are also local administrators in the area (many mayors with the tricolor flag), representatives of associations and local committees.
" We say NO to nuclear - explain Silvia Gadda , Secretary of Gd Lombardy and Joseph Bufalino, an expert on environmental issues for the youth of PD - why unnecessarily expensive when the same money could be invested from now on renewable energies and their improvement in the country. "

Unfortunately, the President of Lombardy, Roberto Formigoni, has taken an opportunistic and servile attitude towards the national government on these issues . The prospect of a nuclear power plant in Lombardy, and, in particular in Viadana, is absurd. Even more surprising is the attitude of President Formigoni that will not lift a finger to deny or take a clear position against nuclear power in Lombardy " .
Among those attending the event on Sunday also one of the symbols of the historic anti-nuclear battle: the famous Super Landini tractor, manufactured in the thirties and ecological character of many events over the decades.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bleeding After Week Period End


Over 200 Young Democrats of Lombardy were present yesterday at the demonstration in Rome!
E 'was a great day, without criticism and proposals, young and old. Two processions marched through the streets of Rome with a smile because he still felt the excitement and passion of those who believe we can make a difference to Italy, we can overcome this sad and politically engage a never change as necessary at this time.
We were and will be there. we have the sleeves rolled up, we are ready to change Italy together!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stacey Fields Fart Fantasy


in a vegetative state for 5 years,
unresponsive doctors

One patient awakens from vegetative state and minimally conscious after five years and understands and responds to six hours the orders of doctors. It happened Institute Hospital San Camillo Venice and tracking is now a study, published in the journal Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair ", the official organ of the World Federation of Neurorehabilitation. According to specialists is a unique case study that allowed for the first time in the world awakening from vegetative states by magnetic stimulation transcranial (TMS).

stimulation was performed on a patient hospitalized at the San Camillo and the study was carried out in collaboration with the Departments of Neurosciences of the University of Padua and Verona. The patient, who has 70 years, five years before had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. A month later, he recovered the minimum level of consciousness could open his eyes spontaneously or in response to tactile stimuli, could turn his eyes toward a sound or follow a moving object.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What To Write On A Wedding Card For A Sister


An appointment important to make our active presence in the country and to reaffirm strongly that this government is stopped for some time and now that Berlusconi has resigned.
The meeting is at 11.00 in Piazza della Repubblica in Rome!
will be an opportunity to hear that young people in politics are there and are not recommended, or soubrette all, to know Gd in all other regions of Italy, to make our youth group Lombard provinces.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Condolence Quotes In Spanish

yes' to life

Bishops, as a scientist in "wizard" for said no to embryonic stem


And 'one of the few scientists that the world envies. And he has done in haste, for his degree in biology enrolling in a university course in the evening, while by day he worked at the market to bring up a few bucks. From there to Canada, Calgary University, where appropriate, so to speak, he discovers the ability to isolate human brain cells, and begins to study all the perspectives that are open to the medicine. The attention that comes from within, as he explains the title of his book. Bishops speaks to the U.S. Academies as the students of the University of Milan Bicocca, with the same ease, sincerity. Upstream. Since he took avowedly pro-life positions our local intelligentsia with enough listens, looks at him with suspicion, especially awl walkways and awards. In Italy you switch quickly from being a genius with that of a fanatic, a free thinker by obscurantist servant of the Vatican.

Bishops directs the Institute Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza San Giovanni Rotondo and the Biobank of the brain stem of Terni. Cells are able Clinically, he says, GMP certified according to the parameters more selective in the world, which once produced can be transplanted into patients, and in principle are applicable to every nerve disease. "We asked for permission to experiment on the ISS patients with ALS, and then expand to other experiments. If you have the money .... " World Congress of Neuroscience in San Diego, Nov. 16, he was given the news. "A few days after the Sole 24 Ore is not a way that we defined a sort of witch doctors who treat men as guinea pigs ... They asked us the data. They made two parliamentary questions. The data, in criminal liability, are presented to the ISS that we asked them, of course. "

is not the first attack. "After the referendum of 2005, I had to leave the San Raffaele because I was rendered unable to work. I published a paper in Nature before leaving, to be able to say I did it my choice, you can not send me away saying that they are not capable. In several university colleagues call me a braggart, a self-styled researcher. "I have been expelled forcibly from a European Community project called Fungenes. And the committee that decided who stayed and who had no inside Deputy Director of a British company working on stem cells. "

Yet always good press. "Before. It remains consistent and open a few journalists, who continues to find me. But many who phoned me the other day so well, before the referendum, have disappeared. Not even mentioning the most of my scientific publications. "
were asked where they come from such attacks, and why? "If you can go to the clinic without killing the patient, even if you say that you can even treat them with an ethically acceptable method, the lies propagated on embryonic stem collapse abruptly. It 'was said to the sick that the most effective way to relieve their suffering is the study of the embryo in this way bypassing the ethical problem. Justified on the pretext of helping the patient through the destruction of lives hanging, I could not use another term, or creating other lives to be destroyed. "

It is argued that embryonic stem cells have achieved significant results to cure terrible diseases. "False. It 'was launched the first official test two months ago. Nothing! And we could work pace of the embryos at least five years, using the resources in other ways. " There are also economic interests as well as ideological? And career? "Often, the interests have nothing to do with the transplant patients, but for example with drug research. There were also in Italy biotechnology company that boasted of doing this, sucking more money from the public. "
But she would have problems working on criocongelati embryos, the result of artificial insemination is not completed successfully? "Yes, I would have problems. Meanwhile, there is no need to freeze the embryos for IVF, it must be said once and then were frozen for a wrong approach to technology. If you could go and destroyed more plants, I could see the sense of usage. Exclusively in the meantime if anyone has done something to stop the continuing production of surplus. Otherwise it's hypocrisy: those products until a certain date may be used. But meanwhile, go on to produce! "

And anyway you say that you do not need. "Not me. Knowing of somatic cells, the work of Japanese Yamanaka, knowing that you can experiment on embryonic cells of monkey, or rat, which we need to use human embryos? It 'a defeat for science. Making human beings to destroy them rather than do everything possible to help life, treat it. "
Those who helped? "Many have had the sensitivity to invest in the research I'm working on, and I want to name names, as Neuroton Onlus, the Association of SCI, the Foundation Borgonovo, even the AC Milan Foundation, public figures such as Maurizio Costanzo, Raoul Bova and Formigoni, which helped to found the Institute of the Niguarda Tissue Engineering. O

Minister Fazio. Yet, we live in a state of loneliness disconcerting. He invests so much emotion in musical events, sports ... if you put a tenth of that interest and passion, besides the money, requesting that it develop therapies from stem ... Believe me, the indifference is worse than the attacks. Those taken down, because they are born of ignorance, in the sense to ignore things, the facts. But if the threatening phone calls to you and your family, add the fact that not even a lab where you work ... And I've been lucky. Other colleagues are back in the U.S.. Strength. "

What results would be achieved, what to expect, after thirty years of work? "Already having the test is relevant, but I would get a chance to develop therapies for patients. As a researcher is already happy, but I'd like to alleviate the suffering or at least open the way for techniques that are able to do on a day close. "

Homemade Hedgehogs Cages

Secularism and Multiculturalism

17 classroom hours Friday, 10 December 11 - Palace again - will host the conference "Secularism and multiculturalism: what concenzione culture for bioethics? " intervene Dr. Fabio Lelli University of Bologna, Prof. Robert Hall of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan and Dr. Alberto Giubilini, Secretary of Bioethics Look non-profit organization.

Come along!

Monday, December 6, 2010

What Do Drag Queens Do With Their Genitals?

Winter Trees in the Snow Fall Pictures

This morning, Monday, Dec. 6, after a snowfall at night, around 10, I went out to photograph a few bare trees and snow in my area.
The light conditions were not particularly good, and the rain light, which had succeeded the snow at night, had already reduced the snow cover the trees and the foggy sky gray uniform colors to all objects, including trees. While the objective difficulties
photo, I managed to capture some images of leafless trees and snowy winter which morphology may have some botanical interest, to identify them even during the period of dormancy, in the shape of the trunk, the provision branches, the color of the bark with the other structural features.
Recognition of tree species in winter is no easy task, because most of the plants, except conifers or other evergreens, are wholly or partially devoid of leaves, very important, often crucial for the identification and classification of the genus tree. Stumble
order trees and shrubs that I photographed, which I kept in order photo blog:
- Alder (in a row)
- the maple
- the camellia
- beech
- persimmons, with the fruit still hanging
deodar cedar - the sycamore and elm
- the Albizia
- maple negundo
- bamboo
- Arizona cypress
- walnut
- the Scots pine
- wisteria
- the fig
- the quince
- spruce (Picea abies)
- some
alder - the locust
- the spin of Judas
- maple sugar
- the palm of St. Peter
- the Aleppo pine
- Birch (right in photo)
- American Red Oak
- the Storace, better known by the botanical name "product" of "liquidambar.

I have not photographed many other interesting plants, also in the area, the difficulty of "differentiation photographically" from the context of multi-tree form in which it grows in mixed and intertwined.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Kind Of Oil Does A Kc 110 Take ?

vultures buzzing radicals in the House (not burning) around the body of Mario Monicelli

radicals here again ready to reappear out and say that you were enjoying a break after the greed lived due to the success of the radical plays biased transmission of the Year "vieniviaconme.
few days and there they pounce like vultures on the body of Mario Monicelli, who committed suicide, jumping from a balcony of St. John's Hospital where he was hospitalized, in 95 years!
will not go into the merits of the choice of life (oops, death) of the Italian director who, while not sharing it, must be respected.
see the absurd and the Radicals in the Chamber of Deputies, assisted other radical masked Walter Veltroni, who instead of entering the substance of the choice of life (oops, death) of trying Monicelli to raise it, and after Welby Englaro, to another champion of euthanasia.
No State interference in private life?? Have you heard the statement
Veltroni? "He was a consistent and also the last act of his life looks like. He lived, there has not been allowed to live and let die. He decided to leave. It was an Italian with a straight back."
Apart from that nowadays it takes more courage to be like Mario Melazzini, that is to have your back straight even on a wheelchair, who threw himself from a balcony, but you can say these things assist in launching a radical, by Bernardini Then, they started with their barking itchy?
Let Peace in the master Monicelli.
I do not know him so well, I've said, to condemn the act if not in terms of my personal and ethical and religious. But I think that would
Monicelli Veltroni, Bernardini and everyone else on the train and kill each other with slaps, one by one, while they are facing and can not wait well beyond their nose.
Master, do not know why in 95 years has concluded that its existence but I can only say: rest in peace.

George Gibertini

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Can You Use Hydrogen Peroxide Acne Genitals

Open your eyes!

indifference Overall, at the end of January this year, the British writer Martin Amis advances a nice idea, " there should be a cabin every street corner, where if you have the right age you can get a martini and the tablet of the good death ( Corriere della Sera, 01/25/2010). In mid-October around the world are the statements of the actor Michael Caine, twice Oscar winner, declaring that he had helped his father to die. In those days, Charles Troilo, Luca Coscioni association, said that while years ago believed to be more "realistic postpone the discussion on euthanasia in the best of times and would aim to introduce in our legislation on living wills ( Unit, 13/10/2010) has now changed his mind, pointing to the introduction of the "sweet death" as the only priority. Just two weeks later at the Rome Film Festival, the film was awarded Kill me please, black comedy about euthanasia. Shortly after the launch in Italy Radicals the spot of Exit International euthanasia, already banned in Australia: three Italian networks - Telelombardia, Antenna 3 and Milan - declare themselves "ready to transmit " (Corriere della Sera , 10/11/2010). Monday, November 15, during transmission Come away with me, Roberto Saviano said 8 million Italians and Welby Englaro are examples of the struggle for "the right to life .

During the last episode of the same transmission Rai 3, after the wires have described as "unacceptable 'presence in the study of patients eager to shout their love of life and denounce the abandonment therapeutic, is announced the death of Mario Monicelli. It is soon learned that a suicide: the world renowned filmmaker, old and sick, threw himself from the fifth floor of the hospital Where was ricoverat o. Here are enthusiastic comments of the gesture: Paolo Villaggio is about choice " heroic, magnificent ," Stefania Sandrelli in " extreme act of freedom, nonconformity, of curiosity," the critic Mariano Sabatini ' yet another lesson of freedom " . The Radicals offer at parliamentary level, the mouth of Rita Bernardini, a consideration of legislation on euthanasia and President Napolitano, just to throw gasoline on the fire, praising the end of Monicelli as " manifestation of his strong personality, an extreme step will . Two days after the death of the record, Rai 3 - always Rai 3 - aired on prime time the movie Million Dollar Baby , having euthanasia as an option as is humanly possible to Rai 2, the same evening, the cartoonist Vauro close transmission Annozero with a score of "gay" cartoons of the suicide. Question: What has yet to happen because people want us to understand that the brainwashing and make supporters of euthanasia?

Giuliano Guzzo

Furnace Polarity Reversed



Salvatore Crisafulli has 38 years when the 11 September 2003 is involved in a terrible car accident. Unconscious, Salvatore breathes with a tube inserted in his neck, his arms are reconstructed in the operating room, has a severe fracture to the spine, given the serious brain damage is irreparable.

Doctors, experts and luminaries of any neurological rehabilitation center and Italian foreign state that the Saviour is a vegetative state "permanent", without any possibility of recovery or improvement, which has no hope of life and that will not last more few years. Before

dell'incidenteI doctors say that Salvatore can not understand, not can hear, can not speak, if he raises his head, while lowering his eyes, if eyes move, if it emits ways, this simple involuntary reflexes, are common to every poor man of his condition. It is totally unconscious and will remain so forever. The first hospital Salvatore Crisafulli, that in his region, the Centre studies Neurolesi of Messina, is a disastrous experience. Neglected altogether, is always found with catarrh and defecated on him coming out of the cannula of the tracheotomy, the head always turned to the left, which also provides him with a sore left ear.

Despite the protests and the regime does not change when his family decided to change it, wash it clean in person and note that also had sores on his back. But when changing the diaper witnessing a horrible sight and memorable: at the bottom of the back there is another terrible plague so far advanced and neglected to have turned into a huge hole 6 cm deep, from which even the leaked ' sacral bone. The transfer from the center, complete with a complaint, it is immediate. He began an ordeal that will last a long time. The family

Crisafulli, not at all wealthy, however, is in serious economic difficulties: physical effort as well as expenses that requires the Savior's disease are enormous. But there is no end to the worst, and so also one of the brothers of the Saviour is involved in a serious car accident, forced to stay in bed for a long period of convalescence. The family of Salvatore no longer possible for either economic or physical care of him. They launched several appeals for help on all major networks and national newspapers, to people, institutions. The other brother of Salvatore, Peter, even threatening to take him to die by euthanasia in Belgium if no one moves to help him. But this is just a desperate provocation, euthanasia is an option rejected by the family from the beginning Crisafulli, deeply Catholic.

Italy to assist each other shocked and pitying, but none ever will move hand to provide assistance. Left alone the country and institutions, the family Crisafulli is not entirely alone: \u200b\u200bto take the field at his side is the Catholic Church. The same Pope Benedict XVI asked to meet Salvatore and family audience in the Vatican, while the foundation of Don Oreste Benzi, Pope John XXIII Community, is offered to support the family with financial means and facilities. The problems of the Crisafulli family are over. But meanwhile, something extraordinary happened. In one of the last visits, this time with Arezzo, the medical diagnosis is clear: Salvatore is no longer a plant and has already regained consciousness for nearly two years. This is the Locked-In Syndrome (LIS) guess the effects are the same as the SLA, that is a stroke that immobilized his body, but leaves intact cognitive function. And 'the status of Piergiorgio Welby, the only difference between the two lies in two different causes and conditions that led them in that condition. From now on, Salvatore Crisafulli will return to communicate via a sophisticated computer scanning to identify letters through the movement of the head and eyes, choosing the right target. These are his words:

"After about seven months after the trauma felt and understood everything, I was hungry and thirsty, I could move my family around my bed, I wanted to draw their attention by shouting, but out of my mouth did not go out any sounds, the doctors were talking about permanent and irreversible vegetative state. I could hear the doctors say that my eye movements were just random, I was totally unaware that my death was only a matter of time, and began to open and close their eyes to attract the attention of those who was around me. I lived in fear. Slowly began the phase of my awakening, which traveled on two parallel planes, that physically staff, which gradually became aware of what had happened to me, slowly tasting my way back to life, and that extreme, in which I try to convince to those around me to be really still alive and well, but I was unable, a prisoner in my body I replied. "

Salvatore Crisafulli has succeeded in writing a book entitled" With eyes wide open. "Like thousands and thousands of patients of his condition throughout the world today and his last great struggle is against euthanasia, the great enemy against whom he launched his anathema:

"From my bed I almost raised to the life I try to make a small contribution to the debate on euthanasia.

Mine is the simple thought of those who have experienced untold physical and psychological suffering of those who came to touch the abyss beyond life but it was still alive, who has long been considered by science all over Europe without a plant can return among men and yet felt an irresistible desire to communicate to all its will to live.

During those interminable two years of captivity in my body and intubated without nerves, I was mute or was you, too wise and healthy men, the deaf? I thank my loved ones, alone against all, have never tired to keep alight the flame of communication with my broken body and broken my heart, my soul, but especially with this light remained intact and viable as I gave God.

thank those who, during my "plant life," he spoke as a man, comforted me as a friend, loved me as a son, a brother, father. But what is euthanasia, this death bad, bad, bad and unnatural disguise of kindness and raddled with grease paint a false beauty?

Where human solidarity would end if those who were around me during my suffering had been watching just pull the plug from the mechanical ventilator, ready to yield me as a trophy of death on the pretext that the My life did not stay more dignity?

But you, Dear Peter, challenged the science and statistics of large numbers and wander with me in your blood in hospitals and clinics for campers away. On TV and screaming threats and insults against the general indifference to my state of abandonment. And I whispered softly to the mother's lullaby "Dear brother mine," to me composed, played, sang and prayed for as harrowing hymn of love, but not farewell.

you remember that little newborn anencephalic Turin, gave birth prematurely and unnecessarily to give the organs and then die? Do you remember that from his hospital cot a cold day shook the finger of his mother, while doctors pretended that almost contemptuous affectionate gesture for a mechanical reflex, from withered leaf lettuce?

Well, Mom, when I covered him with kisses and prayers, I would have liked to hold his hand trembling, and wrinkled, but I could not to move or speak, I would just give you tears instead of sounds . Tears were despised by renowned neurologists and intensivists, large "experts" quality of life, but was the only possible way to stutter as a child my most authentic existence hymn offered as a gift from you and him.

Yes, life, that gift original, unique and divine that is not enough law or a white coat to take that away, even, somehow, a good end, with profanity in disguise of fake sweetness.

Believe me, life is worth living forever, even paralyzed, even intubated, also wounded and feverish. Around me, on my personal Mount Calvary has always met my little domestic church.

Mamma Angela, Marcello, Pietro, Santa, Francesca, Rita, Mariarita, Angela, Antonio, Rosalba, Jonathan, Agatino, Dominic Marcellino, are transfigured in my eyes wide open in the Madonna, the Magdalene, in Verona, Saint John, in Cyrene. I feel safe enough for them that no centurion charged will dare give me the hemlock and death. "

Salvatore Crisafulli

Source: Facebook page of Salvatore Crisafulli

How To Stop Breakthrough Bleeding Doubling


Eugenics high tech

The crux of the human remains at the center of bioethics and biopolitics contemporary, a focal point where it is in our future human beings, the way we think about ourselves and others (including conceived) as belonging to the one human race. Reconfirms this crucial intervention of Senator Ignazio Marino (Corriere della Sera, 28 November), which raises sensitive issues. Senator Marino writes: "The techniques to give birth to a baby in a test tube are a couple with fertility problems to crown their family project, but also make it possible to identify certain diseases in the early stages of embryo development, before His mother's uterus. There are some very serious diseases like cancer or thalassemia. Marino also introduces the possibility that one day humans could address in a mass to play in the test tube to make sure to give birth to healthy children. What horizons open up, question?

is clear that to achieve that certainty should be used in a eugenic selection of embryos created in vitro in order to implant only those perfectly healthy. Here we are faced with a really crucial junction: who and what is the human embryo? We do what we want, without qualms of conscience by practicing a true eugenics, eliminating defective embryos before implantation or frozen (and thus denying them the right to natural development)?

This is the point. There are indeed good chance of curing many diseases using embryonic stem cells but not mature (and therefore not removing the embryos), while there are no similar opportunity to go beyond the issue before a human embryo created in vitro, and marked by flaws or less severe. We do not have the ability to use other ways out: either we respect the human embryo to the end as a human being in its own right, or see it as a res nullius and eugenics to abolish or to condemn cryopreservation. I would add that we are not talking about embryonic or fetal therapies that are legitimate, if not involve the removal of the curate.

Maybe in future we can make diagnosis on separate male and female gametes in order to select the best ones before fertilization, but beyond the current state of research on this, this would lead to a complete separation of procreation and reproduction in the test tube natural, ie, at IVF and more however, which in turn suggests the human being as a mere laboratory product: made, not begotten.

The main problem for the future of men who wish to conduct unconditional respect for the human race and all its member concerns the unlawful removal of defective embryo. Eugenics present, smooth and democratic, rejects with horror the suspicion of being assimilated to the Nazis, then from which it differs dramatically: while the Nazis were practicing positive un'eugenetica aiming to improve the Aryan, and a negative by the removal of deemed inferior races and individuals "calibrated", the current Eugenics aims above all not to be born with disabilities. It reserves the final say on how it should be the man to see themselves granted the right to be born, although the right to life of the carrier of genetic diseases is equal to that of the healthy. Eugenics high tech, specialized, utilitarian suggests that for people with disabilities applies the saying "Better dead than alive." For the eugenic way is to attack the disease by suppressing the patient, do not war according to the patient.

Vittorio Possenti


Day 19 Cervical Mucus


Michele Aramini bioethicist

Paolo Flores d'Arcais in a recent online argument in defense of the choice of the pair-Saviano Fazio not to grant the representatives of relatives of patients with major disabilities a place to say their reasons. The argument used to defend the choice of Fazio is as follows: they are two different rights. Mina Welby Beppino Englaro and would defend the right to freedom of choice against the disease. Family members of patients claiming a right to care that nobody denies, in principle, and that needs to be supported with concrete assistance. Of this second law was the transmission, so it was out of place the participation of these people to the debate on the right to freedom of choice.

AThis argument Flores d'Arcais can replicate the first right of patients to a true cure is a fact so important that a minimum of sensitivity could give them worthy of media representation, since there was an urgent request. Evidently the pair of conductors considered insignificant protect this right. Or perhaps considered counterproductive to their own ends. So Fazio, Saviano and their authors have used their media power as an expression of a faction

PCHE is already known for its commitment to pro-euthanasia. ver important is to show how the argument referred to is flawed in principle. There is a relationship between two rights: to die on its decision and that of the treatment? Obviously it. Here is where the link is not seen. The principle of self-determination and murderess not appear immediately, it needs an ally concept called 'life without value'. Only if a person is declared in terms of 'life without value' can be done to eliminate it, blanketing the gesture of nobility, and of civilization than any other rhetoric as possible. This is because the referee, with the result of violence and death that follows, wants to appear a factor of progress and true civilization. To appearances does not give anyone. The concept of life without value has an objective and one subjective. Subjectively, every day we can think of no worth nothing, but then it passes. From the objective point of view most of the people who are in great condition disabilities can be classified as worthless lives.

's the point. All my friends who live lovingly assisted by family members are declared 'objects' and marginalized. Their families are weakened in claiming the right to assistance and someone has the courage to call them 'Taliban of life'. The time to lay David Lamb tells us that there is a distinct possibility that, in a society which is considered lawful killing upon request, the dying and disabled from falling into a great situation where they are forced to express "their desire to die," as the fulfillment of a last wish of good manners towards healthy living.

The connection between free choice and worthless life is not a gimmick dialectic: it is an indisputable fact. In fact, even the most convinced supporter of the principle of autonomy could not ask for death for a healthy person. To ask for the death it must be said that it has lost its value by reducing the rank of the person concerned. Do not see this link between the right to freedom of choice and the right to treatment in the best case is due to blindness ideological. Consider then freedom without limits means not even have understood the principle of autonomy that, in the original thought of the Enlightenment, is not as absolute but as a source of good ties between the men, who are always ends and never means.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

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opened today at the Warsaw Council Pes 2010, the most political organ of the Party of European Socialists, held in Warsaw from December 2 until 4.
Despite the bitter cold, with a maximum temperature well below zero, we are ready to begin our work!
The day was devoted in particular to the issue of economic governance Europe, during the two sessions showed clearly the need to revise the current economy of our continent , from the European public expenditure to be financed through taxation of financial income and the issue of European titles.
The day policy ended with the touching speech of Prime Minister greek George Papandreou, who stressed that the left still has an ethic of responsibility as opposed to ethics only flaunted austerity of the European Right.
Finally, we attended a reception hosted by the chairman of our group in the European Parliament, Martin Schulz !

For all information, documents and details: / renew