Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Recover Combination From A Brinks Lock

I, besieged by volunteers for life.

"I had an abortion with RU486. In late August I went to St. Anne for the control. On the sidewalk of Via Ventimiglia has brought me a flyer for the woman who was pro-life movement and began to tell me if I knew what was going on in that place, that place awful case, a abortificio. I was there for a checkup and I was not quiet, I was not willing to to listen, I just said I was in hospital for an abortion, a woman who was not an easy choice, which would leave me in peace.

obviously did not know that I had miscarried, I was told that they could help me, support me. The man in white coat, nurse?, Who was behind her and was distributing leaflets have heard what I was saying and started to scream that we were the killer, that women who abort commit murder are mentally ill. I raised my voice too, I said that before any other consideration, a man could not understand what could try a woman. He raised his voice even more, he said that I could give birth and then to take my son. I was horrified, I cut short and I entered. When he went out again. , Unpleasant experience, I will never forget. "Mary Speaks, 34, used. He decided to tell this story because, he says," I read in the newspapers of the intention to bring the region at the hospital who want to convince you that you're committing a murder. I am astounded by the idea that a man like that, which also bore the coat and said he had all the skills to speak, may be one that a girl could be ahead, perhaps mistaken for an institutional figure. A shock. "

On that August day when she went to St. Anne for that control, Mary asked the doctors working in the department abortions, abortions, if they knew what was happening outside:" I have confirmed which were often out there to leaflets, trying not to get in front of the entrance. Then I talked to other women who were waiting like me. One had the flyer in hand, another told me that I had an abortion but she was conscious of having committed a sin. I experienced a feeling of anxiety, I am convinced that every woman in that state chooses and knows full well that whatever the decision will pay a price. "

Mary does not deny to wake up every morning thinking about that child could be born: "But I do not felt, I was alone, I felt pretty strong. But I believe strongly in freedom of choice, all possible aid and no washing the brain of religious inspiration. " The reception in the clinics has been great, people say "I met wonderful people with whom I could also mention that I have explained very clearly for all purposes. By the way, I have health problems that pose a risk if to surgical abortion. For me, RU486 was the only safe solution. "

After this experience he says he believes that Mary If anything is needed even more attention to women who have abortions, that they do with the pill or surgery: "I believe that we should not save on personnel, if anything, we would need a social worker or psychologist, someone that in addition to health issues made it very clear by doctors, may also explain what are the possible paths to a woman's mother, any institutional support, practical assistance. " Even in the hospital could offer more: a bit 'of extra staff to avoid undue haste, more suitable, preferably away from places where children are born: "I think this is the way, certainly not the disturbing presence of who first to offer his help try to convince you, among other things, often in a bad way, you're committing a sin and not a choice, however painful for your life. "

Source: The Republic
Author: Sara Strippoli

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Defeat Thaydol


Susan Boyle: "I did not come to the doctors I was nothing"

If her mother had not considered 'unthinkable' to end the her ninth pregnancy, today we would not have the pleasure of listening to one of the most beautiful of the international music scene. I Dreamed I Dream, the song from the musical based on the novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, would not have made famous, in April 2009, if the opinion of doctors who charge his mother had outperformed the maternal desire to put to another world daughter. Susan Boyle, the English 49enne, new international pop music star, has revealed in a recent biography that staff had suggested to his mother not to bring it into being and abortion. Reason: the pregnancy was at risk.

But Bridget Boyle, Irish immigrant in Blackburn, a village in the West Lot, at that time already the mother of 8 children, categorically refused that opportunity, "because he was a devout Catholic." And so she gave birth to Susan who, at birth, suffered from perinatal asphyxia illness that caused brain damage to a small child. But nevertheless, after a lifetime of scorn and ridicule to endure (not least that of the show U.S. presenter Oprah Winfrey), the child would be born that has become one of the greatest singers of today, even the actress Demi Moore is his big fan and has entered the Guinness Book of World Records for his fast fame. Subo, as they renamed the British media, revealed this in his autobiography The Woman I Was Born To Be, just published in England (Bantam, 328 pp, £ 18.99), after a few days before the performance artist Benedict XVI in London.
In the book the singer reveals that at the time of his birth, doctors greeted the newcomer with the traditional "Congratulations, a beautiful little girl!" Addressed to his mother, but in a completely different way: "The doctors looked at me contemptuously, as I had suspected brain damage due to a lack of oxygenation of the brain. So they said to my mother: "She had to listen to us. Now that Susan acccettare will never become anything good "."

Mai prophecy was not apt because Susan is a star of 9 million copies sold in just six weeks. But she holds a grudge. "I'm sure the doctors did their best intentions but I think that they should not say those things because no one can predict the future. What the doctors did not know is that I'm sort of a fighter and that throughout my life I have tried to show them that they were wrong. "

And the BBC, a few months ago, Susan Boyle, of which he is known, the deep Catholic faith, he explained: "My story proves that one should not look at the outward appearance, but must consider the whole person emotionally, physically, mental and spiritual. I hope I can prove this by saying that dreams are not impossible. " Just a few months ago another well-known singer, Andrea Bocelli, his mother had told him that the doctors had suggested an abortion because the baby she was carrying suffered impairments due to an appendicitis attack she suffered. Although totally blind, Bocelli has become a star of the pop song and opera.

Lorenzo Fazzini


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pokemon Heart Gold Roms


Susan Boyle: "For doctors my mom had an abortion"

In the biography "The woman I was born to be ", the singer speaks of those who said to his mother:" Your daughter will never do anything good "

of Benedetta Frigerio
Confessions of Susan Boyle, the ' Nightingale by Scottish enchanting voice, she could tell never born. Some doctors try to convince the mother of the singer to abortion, because his is a "high-risk pregnancy." Mrs. Boyle, a Catholic of deep faith and the ninth pregnancy, does not give heed to that advice. He does not trust. The small at birth suffer from perinatal asphyxia. It suffered a little damage to the brain, which doctors warn, the mother almost smug. "He must listen to us, must now accept the fact that Susan will never become anything," he said.

pity that the small, not only is it a "miracle" for mom, happy to have it as it is,
but also become one of the parameters which modern probably was heavily influenced by those doctors to judge the dignity of life of the child. So the biography of Susan Boyle, The woman I was born to be , just published in Britain, is added to the shots (see Andrea Bocelli) that are shaken determinism which is imbued with the society.

Who was more intelligent and realistic? Mother fideist and retrograde or doctors? Because if it is more realistic than the mother, then it means that life is a mystery from the beginning to discover. Whichever way it goes. Even If Susan had never climbed the music charts all over the world. This makes it clear what the scientific determinism, of which we boast, and that makes us feel the seeds of both ridiculous and rather short-sighted.


Sour Cream And Onion Popcorn Powder

circumvent the law

So the clinics of the "intellectual dishonesty" circumvent the law 40

Roberto Colombo

The introduction, in 1978, the extracorporeal fertilization procedures (IVF, IVF) for the generation of human embryos to be transferred into the uterus of the woman (embryo transfer; ET) in order to achieve a pregnancy, otherwise impossible or unlikely because of one or more factors of female infertility or male, was celebrated in recent weeks on the occasion of the 2010 Nobel Prize for Medicine to Robert G. Edwards, who was a human IVF pioneers.

Like any "new" biotechnology, this has resulted in a change not only in clinical procedures relating to the treatment of a disease, but created a "look" different in the practice of biology and medicine, "transforming" - so to speak - the position of the researcher and physician, who chooses to use this technical capability, with regard to life human, sometimes without care professionals warn that initially the scope of this cultural and social change.
Among the consequences of IVF-ET was introduced during the last quarter of the last century there is also the practical possibility, hitherto impossible (and also, according to many, unthinkable), designed to manipulate in the laboratory in the early days of its development, starting from fertilization when the embryo consists of a single cell up to little more than a hundred cells. The human being at the beginning of its existence, which until a few decades ago it was "hidden" and "protected" in the female genital tract - the Fallopian tube and the uterine cavity - and, before implantation endometrium, also could not be "observed" indirectly through the U.S., has now become "objects" available for all kinds of biological studies, invasive or noninvasive.

grown at 37 degrees Celsius and in the presence of oxygen, in a special culture medium containing various substances, the embryo is observed at the light microscope, its cells are measured and counted according to the hours they spend in the making Contact the oocyte with the sperm, and even, at times, taken (or a few of them) to analyze cytogenetically and molecularly.

The embryos - usually more than one per cycle of ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval and IVF - are classified in different standards (a process which the British call "embryo scoring": literally, "to score embryo") based on their morphology and their development over time, only those considered "viable" (able to continue to grow regularly and to implant in the endometrium after ET) is transferred through a thin catheter into the uterine cavity of women during the early days of the luteal phase of their ovarian cycle, a number that is decided by the team medically assisted procreation (PMA) with the consent of the mother, given his age, any previous "failures" of IVF-ET, the risk of multiple pregnancy it is prepared to accept and legislation in force in the country (in Italy, no more than three embryos). Despite
monitoring the "quality" of the embryos (the term, unfortunately, has entered the jargon of the PMA and is another bitter fruit of cultural drift introduced in the anthropology of human procreation by IVF-ET) generated in vitro and "selected for transfer into the uterus, usually done only by microscopic examination (Without biopsy device), may seem so severe, it can not exclude that one or more embryos for ET is affected by a chromosomal abnormality (which may relate to the number of chromosomes, 23 pairs from different euploide of a subject, or their morphology, such as translocations and other aberrations karyological) or by a defect in genomic (pathogenetic), able to affect the growth and health of the unborn.
Sometimes, in a limited number of cases, the defect is already present in the family home of the father and / or mother and there is a certain probability that it can be transmitted to the son or daughter. More frequently, the fear for the birth of a child by IVF-ET is not healthy generation, referring to the overall probability of occurrence of diseases by chromosomal abnormalities (like Down syndrome, that of Ullrich-Turner and others) or gene mutations associated with these population in which the intended parents belong. There is, finally, the not unreasonable fear that the same manipulation of gametes and embryos associated with FIV may have caused, albeit rarely, conceived of chromosomal defects.
the "desire for a child" just to make infertile couples who seemed willing to resort to IVF-ET when it was originally made available in clinical practice and only to respond to which some doctors had initially dedicated to this new procedure obstetrician-gynecologist, was later added "the desire for a healthy child."

What, in itself, legitimate - health is a precious man and "desire" for our children as well as for ourselves is a positive suction - if the "desire" not to turn into a "claim" in against the PMA to induce some of its specialists (biologists, geneticists and physicians), which defer to such a "claim" to introduce a "selective filter" of embryos, before ET, no longer tied exclusively their "vitality" (as it emerges from the cell division, the morphological regularity and other observational parameters), but based on the "quality" karyotypes and / or genotype of the embryo.

we like it or not designated by this term, slipping from the "desire" (or "invocation") to "claim" (or "condition") of health for every child born through IVF-ET is a shift in direction eugenics capable of devastating effects of PMA, at a social level, in the recognition of equality in dignity and fundamental rights of all human beings begin life on this earth, regardless of from their genetic and biological characteristics (physiological or pathological) of their body and their mind.

In our country, the law prohibits 40 on PMA (art. 13), the genetic selection of embryos during IVF-ET. Yielding to pressure (or feeding the "demand": it happens too) of infertile couples to have their intended selected in vitro before implantation in the uterus to exclude those carrying genomic or chromosomal defects, some Italian cities of LDCs have decided to experimental protocols applied to prepare studies or tested in other nations for the "diagnosis preimplantatoria" (IPR) on embryos.

Some of them, trusting on judicial decisions that disrupt the spirit and letter of the law, are gearing up for the "classical" DPI, that performed on the embryo in most cells (pre-morula stage or morula), which involves the removal of one or more of them , an invasive procedure that, among other things, is not without some risk for the regular development of the embryo biopsy. A few other centers, however, have tried to circumvent the prohibition of Act 40 giving rise to a diagnosis performed on the female gamete, the oocyte, in place of the embryo (not technically possible to perform genomic analysis on the male gamete or karyotypes, sperm, without destroying it).

This is a technique that involves the collection and analysis of one or both of the so-called "polar" (corpuscles located in the space under the zona pellucida that covers the egg). The first one contains half the chromosomes of the mother that her son will not be transmitted through fertilization. For difference from the maternal set, so you can know (not without a certain margin of error due to the phenomenon of "recombinant gene" that only takes place after the sperm has penetrated the oocyte) if the embryo that will result from fertilization will or not a genetic defect. If it is the bearer
the defect, the egg is not fertilized and you will proceed to analyze other, looking for a free. If we confine ourselves to the collection and analysis of the first polar body, no action is taken on yet conceived (no fertilization has occurred), but only on the germ cell of the woman, and this does not violate the dictates of the law regarding the 40 testing, selection and destruction of human embryos generated through IVF (Articles 13-14).

To reduce the margin of error of this type of IPR, other centers of PMA have decided to analyze the second of the two polar bodies, which is formed after meiosis stage where you can a "recombinant gene", ie when the oocyte penetration by sperm has already occurred. After analysis of the second polar body was born from IVF in Italy, in September, the first child selected for the exemption from chromosomal defects.

Contrary to the improper use of the term "oocyte," he suggested to the layman, the selection was made on the female gamete before fertilization (if so, would not have been possible to analyze the second polar body) but after, that is designed on the stage of a single cell (known pronuclear zygote "). As it is located in the first hours of development, it is of a human being that embodies the genetic inheritance received from his mother and father, that all information necessary for its growth and its implantation in the womb.

Subtleties biological and philosophical, some would say. In fact, it's about loyalty (the time it would be called "intellectual honesty") with which you look at the reality of the beginning of individual human life that is played all the respect and love you have towards it, is from parents asking for medicine to be helped to conceive a child, both by doctors who are at the service of parents and, in doing so, even one who gives them a child: the Mystery from which our being and that of every other man who comes into the world.

That man is not reducible to a "product" to be selected - even if, unfortunately, is not created by the Act for the love of a mother and a father, but through a biotechnological process - is the same reason that suggests it: our life is not the sum of quantity and quality that are not inherent to anything and are suspended in a vacuum to be "available to be taken or left, but it is in a subject, an" I "unique and unrepeatable, which alone can give substance to everything that belongs to him, including its quantity and quality of biological and psychological.

One subject, then, that needs to be accepted for what it is, not for what he has or has not (yet). This is the man who, at the beginning of its existence, the IVF-ET has given him: a heavy responsibility for those who decide to use them, towards which the company may not declare that extraneous or "neutral." The civilization of a nation is not measured, perhaps by its ability to defend and promote the rights of those whose cry is not "poor voice of a man who does not exist", but quietly pleading "that the breath of life has no end "?


Monday, October 18, 2010

Acrostic Poem For The Name Wilson

Mushrooms Meeting of the Allegri Vecchioni

Yesterday, in a beautiful foggy day Otto, then lit by a warm autumn sun, finding that in the Dosson Monteleone, at the Meeting Allegri Vecchioni, cleaning jobs for the land, I took advantage of the availability of my little snapshot camera to fix some of the different families of fungi, some of which are very numerous, on-site.
My small digital camera is not suited to shooting at very close range, so many pictures were made at a distance greater than half meter (to steal the images to blur) and not always the development of images and the actual color of the mushrooms included are fully correspond to the truth. From
entries generally collected by local people, should be largely dangerous mushrooms (maybe some poisonous), or at least of mushrooms "harmless", but no food value. A couple of years ago, a friend, alleged experts, observing the mushrooms on the ground at that precise moment, I said that (according to him, but I have many doubts about it) some of those mushrooms were edible in salads or otherwise.
But I have carefully refrained from taking account of those claims.
be clear one thing: in any case, even in the case of edible mushrooms, I do not ever shall avail, the only mushroom that I know and appreciate, such as edible, some are mushrooms and nails. To all others, for my ignorance on the subject, always turn off. And I do not regret it.
The photos I have here reproduced the sole purpose of permitting, with the research of the case and the time necessary to establish, if possible, the various "botanic species, to acquire some additional knowledge about the spontaneous products of nature and of the forest in that of Monteleone. How would the
Ferrini from Cesena (Maurizio Ferrini, comedian), emulating "the logic down to earth" by Monsieur de La Palisse: 'It's always better to know, who do not know. "

What Is The Chemical Formula For Zirconium

Signs "thoughtful" and signs "witty"

On Sept. 30, in that of Montelone, among Dosson of pines and oaks, was held the annual fall meeting of the "Allegri Vecchioni, ex-bank, for the traditional outdoor Pic Nic, mainly based on" fried fish on the barbecue "the Big Fisherman" fox ".
16 former colleagues were present, which is added later in the afternoon the 17th.
remember their names: Bass, Clerici, Cattaneo, Costa, Galmozzi, Gelmetti, Lana, Maccabruni, Majocchi Martolini, Monti, Rovelli, Sacchi, Testori, Volpi, Vitaloni, Zambelli. Also present were three
monteleonesi as domestic workers: Claudio, Mario G., Mario M.
The writer hoped to have, like last year, good mushrooms. Unfortunately, the expert researcher in charge of procurement, has not found, probably due to the climatic end of September, not conducive to the maturation of mushrooms.
After the usual "miccone with homemade salami," the expert cook Lana has prepared on a copper pot, a good "Polenta Valsugana, softened in cooking with white wine. On another pot, then cooked in copper Lana 4 "Cotechino qualified source", also soaked in white wine, very pleasing results. Polenta could be added,
loosed in "Valsugana" cheese "Bergader", a "gorgonzola cheese, Bavarian origin, the appreciation slightly spicy taste. The outline
"herbaceous" (salad), was represented by a bowl of young cabbage, finely chopped, seasoned with pure wine vinegar.
The picnic was characterized by the concomitant prolonged taste good river fish (about 6 kg), from "pure water, fish and fried on the grill, in later times, by Volpi and consumed by these hot, often standing next to the barbecue. "The specialty River" was excellent and received a doubt, a general appreciation.
foods have been washed down with local red wine, the 2008 harvest.
The fruit included: mapi, apples, peanuts, walnuts, pomegranates and roasted chestnuts provided by Mr Zambelli and cooked on the barbecue. Some pomegranates, good size, were then brought to the present followed by some, as a memento of the day.
Sweet and savory ice creams and some have also completed the menu of the picnic.
Before leaving some participants asked for the tasting at home, and obtained from the patient stoker Volpi, some bag of fish, fried at the end of the day.
After the reorganization of the material and the ritual of cleaning the place, around 16, the last participants left the meeting, welcomed the "nice reunion", in sometimes resulted in the following few bottles Vitaloni also offered by my colleague, and other kinds alientari residues.
I could not take pictures of the meeting because, at that moment in time, my little digital camera had failed and, a few days earlier, Tata was sent to the manufacturer for repair. I have been replaced in recent days. A colleague, who was to attend the picnic even as a "photographer" of the rally, with fotgrafica first-rate equipment, the need for properly planned, the day of the meeting was wrong, unintentionally Autoconvocate October 1, instead of September 30. For those two reasons, I missed the pictures of the meeting. A photographic
parzialissima clearing incident in the blog post, I included pictures taken recently, some signs "of content" and other clearly "humorous", which decorative casts the place of the meeting.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Gold Finished Version

Inauguration of a Monument to Varzi

morning, representing the National Association of Fante, Section of Pavia, as flag-bearer, I attended the grand and touching ceremony of the inauguration of a new marble monument dedicated to the Fallen Staffora Alpine Valley, in that of Varzi.
There were about 400 former Alpine, many friends of the Alpini, Varzese many citizens who attended, participants, riuscitisssima the ceremony, which started around 10 am.
After the stockpiling of former Mountain in the large square adorned with plane trees, between the main street and Staffora, also the diplomatic civilians (including as many as 10 mayors of the valley), Representations of the Associations and veterans of Arma, the Associations Volunteer, Other Agencies, started the parade preceded by a good and rich musical band of Alpine, in full camouflage fatigues, who accompanied the ceremony with songs and alpine national anthems.
were present, among others, representatives of Police, the Police, Local Police, Infantry, Navy, Air Force, the Guardia di Finanza, the Cross Red, the missing in the war, the Civil Protection of Firefighters.
With all these groups was done perfectly aligned to the unveiling of the new marble monument, surmounted by an eagle in bronze, donated by the daughter of a fallen Alpine. The priest
Varzi effected the blessing of the new monument is intended to testify in perpetual love of the villagers and stafforesi Varzese for meritorious Alpini Corps, a special unit of Italian Armed Forces, rich in history and glory, pride and pride of the nation, the object of envy and admiration of great military consideration, by not a few friendly countries.
After the unveiling of the monument honors are rendered to the Mountain of all wars, fallen in battle, pointing out, one by one, by name, even the 4 Mountain Division Artillery Julia, who died in combat on Friday 8, Afghanistan, counter-terrorism and peace-building mission in the area, led by ISAF, on behalf of the Nations United. A poignant "Out of Order of Silence", performed by the Bugler of the Band Alpina, crowned "the celebration of the memory of" Those who have gone forward. "
After some short speeches of welcome and appreciation of the Mayor of Varzi, representatives of some important Alpine National Association of Dismissal, was started the grand parade of the Alpine and the numerous representations present, preceded by a band and immediately followed the mayors of the municipalities of Valle Staffora procession CROSSED compound has all the main points of Varzi, in a riot of flags and festoons tricolor, hailed by the sympathy of many citizens and tourists present Varzese Sunday en route to Varzi. From the balconies of the houses, decorative casts of three-colored signs, many Varzese pleasantly greeted the representations there, I remember taking many photographs.
The procession then reached the height of the municipal school, where, with a solemn ceremony, together with the notes of the band and the Hymns of circumstances, including the silence out of order, are some laurel wreaths were laid on graves of soldiers Varzese fallen in wars. With a
subsequently widely around the highest part of the city, the procession then reached the Market Square, where in the big shed, had been set up the altar for the Mass, celebrated by the Vicar Bishop of Tortona, representing the Bishop, assisted by several priests, who at the end of the Mass have managed to distribute Communion among those present.
The Mass was accompanied by the Alpini Choir of Voghera, who adorned with religious songs and mountain, the religious, very participatory.
the Mass were the Alpine remember fallen in all wars, the 4 Mountain Division Artillery Julia, died in Afghanistan, and even 6 Alpine Valley Staffora just disappeared. Al After the Mass was read the "Prayer of the Alpine, accompanied by background choral singing and followed by the famous mountain of Friulian origin" Stelutis Alpinis.
After the Mass, removed the many flags and banners of various kinds, the Alpini and their supporters who, through their respective groups, had decided to time, Avala social lunch (about 400), reached the theater of Varzi where he held the largest gathering of fellowship, during which prizes were also drawn in a lottery for charitable social initiatives of the Alpine Chamber of Pavia and in particular towards the Alpine Group engaged in the "Civil Protection", recently distinguished in Abruzzo, in the operations reconstruction after the earthquake.
Around 16.30, after mutual greetings ritual, the participants took their leave.
It 'been a long day and very emotional undertaking, cheered by a warm and sunny autumn day the small intestine, which was accompanied by the contrasting colors of the colored leaves of the plane trees and trees of Varzi.