Saturday, November 20, 2010

What Happenned To Cytheria


Dear Roberto,

come away with me and sad to leave the fry in their hatred. This is A call for full consideration: come to visit my daughter Catherine.

will welcome you with open arms and maybe they'll pull out if the idea for an article, you can donate a bit 'rights to thousands of lepers children that I am helping my friends through the missionaries who care for them in their leprosy ( in a third world country).

come without cameras, but with the heart and head with which you wrote "Gomorrah", leaving behind the stench dell'odiologia communist (which you do not belong) that you breathe in certain TV programs.

You wrote to me - do you remember? - When I defended you on these columns for your beautiful book.

Now I, weak, strong and powerful I am writing to you, I struggle with the father in helpless horror (and on the run from the tv) I write to you, acclaimed television star, I always counter-Christian, I write to you that esteem: come watch my daughter in the eyes twenty-five who is bravely fighting a terrible enemy, perhaps more of those four squalid boor who are the Camorra.

She does not give to horror, as we do not give up the Camorra. Visit his heroism and that of many others like her, which - as Mario Melazzini, representative of many patients with ALS - are silenced by the regime's media 'politically correct' in which you, unfortunately, have agreed to become a star.

Come. You'll see the eyes of Catherine, quite different from those arrogant and full of contempt for mezzecalzette or the trombones that flirt in journalistic and intellectual salons.

Maybe you can even see the happiness in tears and maybe you will avoid straparlare euthanasia, illness or the end of life (as you did last Monday) by requiring only your thoughts, because the sick, the disabled that are crying be aided and abetted in the radical-chic to your living room and Michele Serra, had no right to speak.

How can we not have it - in this dictatorship of the single thought - the unborn or the Christians slaughtered by each party and despised or condemned to death for their faith: the case of the young Bibi Asia.

See, I do not care about your dispute with the Minister Maroni: you have two powerful tools at your disposal to beat you. No need to osannino pulleys that one or the other.

I care for the weak, the sick, the lowly, the poor are ignored, silenced and humiliated on television. To begin the program by Michele Serra recited where you and Fazio. Where is cut in slices contempt for the Church.

For the Church, you you know - dear Roberto - he fought against the Camorra and the Mafia long before you and with the poor and helpless people who have also put the skin.

The Church knows that the suffering and miserable, and he loves them almost alone helps all the desperate land, a little 'more than Michele Serra that I heard of journalism only in salons, not in leper colonies in the Third World or in the slums of Calcutta (Fabio Fazio even worth dealing with).

It 's a shame that you put your face to be a symbol of an intellectual establishment that has never read your and my Shalamov and has never fought the horror that he denounced and red against whom died.

That would ensure that anti-conformism: to go on TV to talk about Auschwitz, Kolyma, who is with the abyss of the twentieth century, but - unlike Auschwitz - has never been reported in our culture and our television!

We saw your program in the spectrum of (post) communism that legitimized the spectrum of (post) fascism. Giving us to drink that they have "values." Indeed, only them. Given that only they were deemed worthy of proclamation.

Scrap dell'odiologia of the twentieth century that has plagued humanity and Italy in particular is really what today's headlines for sdottoreggiare values?

I can hear my father miner Catholic - who struggled in life against communism and against fascism - which, when he was still with us, rebel against this TV and shouted: "Go to hell."

People like him - who have guaranteed us all the freedom and prosperity we enjoy - do not call them to proclaim their values.

Why are ordinary people like him to understand the greatness of De Gasperi and to help him, retracing Italy. Instead the Italian intellectuals of the twentieth century have gone behind the pipers of Mussolini and Togliatti (and Stalin).

And after this tragic blunder of the intellectual establishment today still claims to show the way, gigioneggiando on TV and newspapers.

They are trying to make a revolution (ethics course) with such contract or invoice (payment for professional services are sacrosanct, of course).

are the rules and pretend to pretend to be heresy, embody the heaviness of conformity and pretend to be dissidents, throwing the rules for others and do not care of what should observe them, preach tolerance and do not tolerate some cultural and human diversity.

What's more proclaim antiberlusconismo the ethical and anthropological and with the other hand (many of them) sign contracts with companies such as Berlusconi's Mondadori, Mediaset and Endemol (of or participated in by Berlusconi).

Just think 'Roberto, I Rizzoli and the public work for RAI. I assure you that you can live in dignity without working with companies that go the Berlusconi group, given that (in words) is so disgusted by this intelligentsia.

Robert Caro, the other night my daughter Catherine was listening to a CD with polyphonic songs that she knows (because I sang too). He was very focused and listen to one sixteenth laude four voices called: "Christ the tendea die."

In it Mary speaks of Jesus to his friends, the apostles. And when his poignant words - sung beautifully - have whispered "svenerassi for you" (svenerà it for you), Catherine - who can not speak - she burst into tears. This

mourning for Jesus - that living in today is often despised as the living rooms of two thousand years ago - has changed the world and save humanity.

It 's the same emotion of Asia Bibi, a young mother sentenced to death because - who wanted to convert Islam - said: "Jesus died for me, save me. Muhammad what he did for you? ".

Here, dear Roberto, this emotion for a God who loves so is Christianity.

And you've known men and the friendship of Jesus, to love human beings like himself, have bet their lives, have given themselves. When you have seen those faces as you can bear to live in a world of masks and play in their theaters?

love from

Antonio Socci

"free" 19 November 2010


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