Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Do I Get Internet On My Ps3 With A Dongle

The Young Democrats of Sondrio and the spot Nuclear Forum: "We are sure to be objective? "We want a strong no to the installation of nuclear power plants on the soil provincial, regional and national. " Nuclear

* Adapted from Sondrio GD

Young Democrats Sondrio intend to bring to the attention of the provincial population of the Forum on Nuclear spot that began running on RAI and Mediaset in the last week of 2010. Apparently it is a commercial purpose: comparing in a chess game two players are wondering about some aspects of the nuclear option (the utility, safety) and at the end of the spot, it turns out that the two players are actually the same person . Metaphor: each of us must think for himself and then make a decision within the debate on the possibility of installing new nuclear power stations on the Italian territory.

But even un'abbozzata through analysis of the spot, this semblance of objectivity cracks. It is a "spot projection", ie a spot that, when addressing a public majority against the nuclear (primarily due to the memory of Chernobyl), avoid taking an explicit position. But do not save to do so implicitly, through communication techniques are very thin, but effective impact.
The "against" using the black pieces, while the "pro" uses the white pieces, the voice of the self "against" nuclear energy is dark while the "Pro" is persuasive, the "against" drag the pieces and make moves "trivial" (also appears uncertain in his movements) while the "pro" is decided, he moves from "who knows how to play chess pieces and stands firmly on the board, the "against" the bishop always and only use black, while the "pro" use the horse (except when the white ensign) the most recognizable piece (that inspires freedom, nobility, strength, nature, etc.) ; n el freeze himself to the left (the "pro" white) and right (the "against" black), even if they are "the same person" are slightly different, in fact one on the left (" pro ") is more" beautiful "than that to "right" (with a hump nose and slightly lower than the "good" is a classic). In addition, intreressante would also consider the boundary element (the board, the room) and the sentences of two players (the final exchange is of great impact: "Nuclear is a gamble," or a great move).
In conclusion, anyone could, ignoring the fact of how it is constructed political communication and advertising, brand as irrelevant aspects of the propaganda commercials remind you that
spot, which cost about € 6 million (data of the Sun 24 hours), is sponsored by the Nuclear Forum.
Nuclear Forum is a non-profit organization, whose members include EDF (Electricité de France, the French electricity supply company, involved heavily in nuclear power), Enel (Our main supplier of electricity), GDF (Gaz de France, a French company that operates in the energy), Suez (the French company that operates in the energy), Techint (a company that deals with plants), Terna (company responsible for the transmission of 'Electricity in Italy) and Westinghouse (power company). It difficult to think that these people have spent € 6 million just for the objective awareness of the population.
The GD of the province call for a consistent attitude on the part of those who built its electoral success on the unconditional defense of the particular interests of its territory, to say a strong no to the installation of nuclear power plants on the soil provincial regional and national levels.

Simone Benazzo

Resp communication Gd Sondrio

Joseph Bufalino
Resp Environment GD Lombarda


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