Friday, January 28, 2011

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load onto the shoulders of young people around the issue of work

The GD Lombardia comment on the new guidelines on training and employment for young people, and presented this launched by the Government, especially the Ministry of Youth, Education and Welfare (Meloni, Sacconi and Gelmini). The initiatives contain elements of interest, but downloading the entire responsibility on young people to tap into a market historically blocked in Italy. Explain
Marco Olivetti, responsible job of GD Lombardia: " The quarterly monitoring of labor demand, in fact, if used properly could reduce the structural unemployment that in Italy is particularly high for non-match between supply and demand .
But apart from this initiative, otherwise the attempt to match the demands of the companies with the ability to weigh all of the work is done on the latter : students must be created to adapt to demand in the market. This might be right if the market is working properly, but in Italy it is not possible. First of all, if a graduate student wanted to bring in an idea by creating their own start-up, the slow pace of bureaucracy, the huge amount of taxes and also for the conservatism of our banking system would give up right away. Second, even among the existing companies, the rules of competition are not always followed: this causes a change there is, and then you get to immobility which in turn leads a cast of the labor market "


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